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100 Things To Do In Minecraft, Part 1

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Baconator
When MC is down, and you can't play your favorite server, what should you do?
This is part 1, there will be part 2, 3, and 4.

1 Dig a pit
2 Blow up a pig
3 Build a pit of lava
4 In hardcore make a diving board and miss the water by 1 block
5 Make a turret
6 Set a house on fire
7 Make a book
8 Read a book
9 Read this blog
10 Make a pixel art of your self
11 Place torches everywhere
12 Troll a pig
13 Sheer dyed sheep
14 Dye sheep
15 Install a mod
16 Glitch out
17 Ride a pig on a track
18 Ride a boat into lava
19 Make a giant minecart
20 Make a pumpkin
21 Write things in a book
22 Conquer the village!
23 Sneak behind a villager and pull out you're shears!
24 Do a barrel roll!
25 Try a parkour map.
26 Kill a chicken.
27 See how many hits it takes to mine bedrock
28 Wear butter shoes!
29 Make an adventure map
30 Make a parkour map
Well, this was pt. 1, Hope you enjoy! ;)

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11/09/2012 7:55 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Add this: Fail at parkour
11/09/2012 8:51 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Baconator
I'll add that in part 2. :3
