Minecraft Blogs / Other

[1.7_01] Piston update (Creation ideas)

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ZSGamer's Avatar ZSGamer
Level 10 : Journeyman Ninja
Comment about what you have created with the new update item, pistons, or simply what you plan to create with them.

I have been making "Secret" doors, using bookshelves, to make it sort of cool and .. secret :D

Comment below what you have used/plan to use them with.

And if you have found any cool "Bugs/glitches/tricks" with them, then comment too!

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07/01/2011 6:48 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Wolf Whisperer
pannymoo's Avatar
im trying to make harry potter moving stairs so that u see partial stairs and have to flick levers to make them apear etc also trying to make an elevator havnt found one yet
07/01/2011 9:44 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Ninja
ZSGamer's Avatar
Wow that would be amazing! :D
