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1.8.1 Bug Fix To Stop Java Memory bug!

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xoxHOODR4Txox's Avatar xoxHOODR4Txox
Level 59 : Grandmaster Baconator
Here is a link to a .bat file i made which stop the 1.8.1 bug error [the link is at the bottom near world save]

All you have to do is change the drive location in the .bat file [i.e. go in it and edit it] And once your inside it, you will see a soem text that says C:computerusersdeclandesktopminecraft.exe You need to change that to so it leads to the location of where you minecraft.exe is [mine being my desktop]

Once you have done that, you can change the amount of RAM you give your minecraft, mine says 4052 i think change both of the numbers that end in mb to the amount of MegaBytes you want your minecraft say if you want 1gb of ram, you must change both the numbers to 1024mb CAUTION, DO NOT ENTER A NUMBER THAT YOU DONT HAVE THE CAPABILTY OF RUNNING, Say you have 4gb of ram, dont put 4gb of ram for minecraft otherwise your computer will crash and dont put anything higher than 3/4's of the number of ram you have or it will crash!

This can also be used to just allocate more RAM to Minecraft!

Hope its of use!


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08/03/2012 2:22 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Archer
fghjkfghmgdynftgnyftygjnf's Avatar
tel me how the hell you get -2 dimonds?
08/03/2012 6:26 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Baconator
xoxHOODR4Txox's Avatar
It wasn't always a Diamond system, when I uploaded this project it was the old voting system, where you could up and down-vote a project, so I had more down-votes than up-votes and it stuck :)
01/17/2012 11:39 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
JesperHB's Avatar
There are many ways to fix this. I also have a way to fix it.
09/25/2011 6:43 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Zaralith's Avatar
Moved submission. Reason: Mistake
This is not an actual mod. You will also need to use relative paths and include a txt with instructions on modifying this batch file as not everyone calls their user declan.
09/26/2011 1:13 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Baconator
xoxHOODR4Txox's Avatar
I knew that would happen, I was going to do it myself but I dont know how. Thanks anyway, I do tell the people that in the video, but I shall add it in the text.
09/21/2011 4:11 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Superl33tpwnage's Avatar
ok guys if you hate this then go in the main menu, go in options then vide settings and change Advanced openGL mode to off and this MIGHT work
09/21/2011 11:08 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Baconator
xoxHOODR4Txox's Avatar
That works too, and so does turning fog to low, but people who watn to play on fancy graphics and no fog, my way helps the most
09/21/2011 10:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Superl33tpwnage's Avatar
i know but i just wanted the people who couldnt get it to work anotherway to might get it work
06/10/2012 4:32 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragonborn
catlover6596's Avatar
Did you know advanced openGL makes you run FASTER?
09/20/2011 1:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
0mountaindew0's Avatar
i tried it did not fix this problem with me if any one need help will tell u how this works
