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5 Fun Plugins

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PizzaMan22's Avatar PizzaMan22
Level 1 : New Miner
5. Stickmans items
Now this plugin is amazing so wonderfull what the creator has done is basicly added more items into the game eg. Emerald pic where you make an emrald pic but its a diamond pic enchanted :D you can make op wepons smoke wands and more check out the full plugin here game versions are 1.7.4 for the latest one.  http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/stickmans-items/

4. Simple Bottler
This plugin allows players to store xp so its great for starter kits so i recomend this to op servers or maybe just normal servers also you could give players this command so anyone can get up much xp as they want for an op server  http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/simplebottler/

3. Pegasus
This plugin is cool all you type is a simple command and you get a horse but wait it can fly yes in this plugin all you need to make a flying horse is 1 command there isint a lot to say about this plaguing but its amazing  http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/pegasus-plugin/

2. Emerald Tools
The name says it all this plugin allows you to craft emrald tools and it gives you a random enchant depending on the teir of the item teir one you use 100% emralds teir 2 you add 1 diamond in it and teir 3 you add 1 diamond and 1 blaze powder 

1. UltimateTrollMode
now this plugin gives more commands for op it's just a fun plugin for the trolls if ur the owner of a server and you want to troll this plugin is for you http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/admintroll/

These Plugins Are In No Order 
Hope You Licked It
Diamond And Fav :D

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07/08/2014 4:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PizzaMan22's Avatar
I spent a lot of time into this for you guys so i hope you like it and please comment your thoughts and tell me if you got any of them for your server
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