This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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A Life of Steve: A Beacon of Hope

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Pacmantacco's Avatar Pacmantacco
Level 38 : Artisan Taco
A Life of Steve: A Beacon of Hope

Harmony had always been a foreign concept to the inhabitants of this dying world. The world was slowly, but surely, tearing itself apart; a looming wave of corruption sweeping its way across the savage landscape. With each passing night, new horrors were awakened from the depths; seemingly drawn out by the chaos and barbarism that spread like a wildfire across the withering remnants of civilization. Nowadays, even the slightest displays of weakness would guarantee you a swift and painful death. 

But life hadn’t always been this way.

As the sun began to peek over the canopy, carrying with it the torch of a new day, I stood over the ruins of what had once been my home. I could almost envision a time when the tired white washed walls stood in stark contrast to my gardens; beautifully balanced with tantalizing fruits. I always did have a knack for gardening…

Of course, that had been many long years ago. Now my home, or what was left of it anyways, lay in utter ruin. It was a pitiful sight; crushed, defiled and long lost to the elements. Even my precious orchards had grown wild and unruly with nobody left behind to tend to them.

Nature was already reclaiming its own from the rest of the suburbs. Wildlife, normally fearful of settled areas, had begun to wander inwards, as the buildings became abandoned; fallen from non-use, burned down or demolished. Grass, trees, wildflowers and vines had overrun the brick, wood and plaster that had once stood in their place for decades, leaving only the crisscrossing concrete foundations as reminders that the land had once been inhabited.

My neighbors had all long since left for greener pastures, or tried to at least…. Nowadays there was nowhere left to run to.

Humanity’s a funny thing, isn’t it? Despite all our state-of-the-art gadgets and crisscrossing jungles of steel, we didn’t stand a chance against nature’s invading forces; not even close.

I alone remain, keeping watch over the empty streets. With nothing but my thoughts to entertain me, I've had plenty of time to think. In this time I have wondered; why me?

Humanity’s downfall is also a matter on which I continually speculate.

We were warned well in advance that our selfish and destructive ways would be our very downfall, but when the news first broke people were unimpressed. They figured we had several hundred years ahead of us to scrape together a plan. Surely something, anything could be done. Besides, it wouldn’t affect them; they would be long dead by then.

When the second generation came a long, they were all a bit more concerned about the impending catastrophe. They had far fewer children, crime rates soared to an all time high and they were all generally more on edge to say the very least. Yet, for the most part, life continued as usual. After all, why should they care? Like the first generation, each and everyone of them would live out their lives and whatever was to come would not affect them in any meaningful way. They left it up to their children to find a solution.

The third and final generation, my generation, was born into world that would soon cease to exist within their lifetimes. All of a sudden, the future became a priority.

Mankind put everything it had into finding any viable solution. For the first time in human history, the people of the world became one. All it took was the imminent threat of our annihilation as a species.

Governments set aside their petty disagreements, instead redirecting their resources towards the greater good. Much good it did them…

In its final moments, humanity had done a beautiful thing. Every single human breath, every single human will was united towards a single seemingly impossible goal; saving the world.

All those resources expended, all that scientific effort wasted… all to tell us what we already knew; annihilation is inevitable.

It’s funny, isn’t it? We never truly unlocked our true potential as a species until it was too late.

The world will continue in our absence, uncaring as two hundred thousand years of art, culture and genius was lost; barely leaving a speck on the course of history. Give it another thousand years and the universe will simply sweep any remaining relics of humanity under the carpet to be long forgotten.

As I witnessed the woeful decay of civilization, I could feel myself shatter. All we've accomplished throughout our short existence - the towering glass skyscrapers, the elegant temples hidden away in the undergrowth, and the regal strongholds buried deep beneath the earth - were mere shadows of an unfinished masterpiece.

I do not know what keeps me alive while millions of other lives, individuals more capable and deserving than I am, are lost. Was it a matter a dumb luck or perhaps ... fate? … It’s a terrifying thought, yet somehow a reassuring one.

But so long as I’m still around, I remain a beacon of hope; humanity’s second chance. I have a legendary opportunity, a chance to leave mankind’s final mark on history.

I really hope I know what I’m doing…

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Pacmantacco 10/10/2014 12:19:13 pmOct 10th, 2014

-Ending rewritten

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10/10/2014 12:21 am
Level 38 : Artisan Taco
Pacmantacco's Avatar
Hey guys!

It's been a very long time since I've made a PMC submission, but I thought a contest would be a great way to get back into things!
Feedback is appreciated!
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