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Adventure map creating: How the pros do it!

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Syncre's Avatar Syncre
Level 51 : Grandmaster Network
Picture by Hypixel ;D
How does Hypixel make good maps? How does the fireworks thingy work? HOW TO CREATE GEARED MOB SPAWNERS? This is how :)

This blog will cover:
-What a good adventure map is
-Redstone and Command Blocks
-Building epic builds :)
-Some tips and tricks
-Uploading your world


Everyone knows hypixel. Everyone has played his maps. But not everyone knows how he does those epic effects. This blog show what a good adventure map is, and how you can create a good one!

What is a good adventure map?

What is a good adventure map? Notice how most "jail break" maps, or "escape" maps don't get onto the pop reel. That is because they look like the creator spent almost no time on their map. The ones that do get on the reel are ones that either got really really lucky, or ones that people put in a lot of effort. If you are to make an adventure map, you must put in all your effort to make the map good.
Quality or Quantity? The answer is both. We would prefer long, good adventure maps over long, crappy ones, or short and really good ones.
A good adventure map must have a good storyline. You must have a nice idea to start off with. The story should be told through command blocks. Make sure to use correct grammar and spell everything right!
Redstone & command block knowledge is required. If you have no idea how to use either, go find tutorials on youtube, or read articles on the minecraft wiki. Story should be told through command blocks, with the /say command. /tp command is also useful, but don't use it too often, or it'll look bad. Redstone should be 99% hidden, and there cannot be any dispensers seen, if you are using dispensers of course (not recommended). Spawners (recommended) should be 100% hidden. Other places should not be seen. (for example, if you can see mission 2 from mission 3, you must move one of them.) Make sure it is not possible to go out of map.
Cheating: Make sure you don't have a machine that sets all people on creative/survival into adventure. This can interfere with the map. Also, if you do have a machine like that, when someone is stuck on a puzzle, or a boss or something like that, they cannot cheat to get through. I may sound stupid, but, when you are doing a very difficult parkour, it is very frustrating to try it over and over again. Remember-the goal of your adventure map is to make the person playing it have fun, not to test their skills or make them rage.

Redstone and Command Blocks

You must learn redstone and Command Blocks! First, I will list a couple of tutorials:
GenerikB's redstone academy
Sethbling's Redstoning with a Mojangster
McWiki's command block page
Please take time to watch/read these. Redstone and Command blocks are a bit too complicated to write in a blog. The rest of the blog will require redstone and command block knowledge.

Basic MCedit-ing

First, you need to download McEdit. It can be found here.
Then, you need to learn how to use it. Here is a good tutorial, by Sethbling.
You must be wondering, "how can this stupid program make me a geared mob spawner?" Believe me, it can.

The Filter section: What does it do?
The filter section is where you create all those epic spawners, modify the item names, color the command blocks, etc. It's a really important section for epic map making.

How do I download filters?
Filters can be downloaded from Sethbling's website. Then you open up MCEdit, and go to the filters section. On the top left corner, there should be the word "filter" in blue underline. Click it. Then, drag the downloaded filter into the folder. You're done! :)

Each and every filter, what they do, and how you use them
Here is a list of all of Sethbling's filters:
1. AddItem
2. AddPotionEffect
3. Animator
4. BanSlimes
5. ChangeEntities
6. ChangeMobs
7. ColorArmor
8. ColorCommandBlockText
9. ColorWires
10. CombineSpawners
11. CommandBlockSigns
12. CreateBusses
13. CreateGearedMobs
14. CreatePlots
15. CreateRotatedSolid
16. CreateShops
17. CreateSpawners
18. DispensersToDroppers
19. EditBeacons
20. Enchant
21. Enlarge
22. EntityCode
23. FillDispensers
24. FindAndReplace
25. FlipStructures
26. FloatingIsland
27. GetCoords
28. Invincible
29. MakeKaleidascope
30. Mandelbrot
31. MandelbulbFilter
32. Maze
33. MobGear
34. ModifyItemStrings
35. ModifyPotions
36. Mortars
37. MoveCommandBlock Coords
38. PerspectiveWords
39. PlaceSignText
40. PlayerSkulls
41. PlayerStatues
42. RandomBlocks
43. RandomFireworksSpawner
44. RotateLogs
45. Sandify
46. SetBiome
47. SetSpawnerProperties
48. Skygrid
49. Smooth
50. SpawnerIntoMinecart
51. StackEntities
52. StatueMaker
53. Symmetrify

I will only go over the most important ones for map making, and also link you to Sethbling's Video+Download.

AddPotionEffect: Adds potion effect to mobs. Select the mob first, then click "Filter", and choose amount of time, and the level of the potion. Tada!

ChangeMobs: You can change a ton of different things with this filter! Mainly used for modifying the mob names.

ColorCommandBlockText: Pretty obvious what this does, adds color to your command block text!

CombineSpawners: Combines spawners! (duh)

CommandBlockSigns: This is rather hard to explain. Basically what it does, it makes using the "tp" command easier. Watch the Video to learn more :)

CreateGearedMobs: Place items in a chest, and create a geared mob! The first slot is for what it is holding, the second for its feet armor, the third: leggings, the fourth: chestplate, and the last for helmet. You can choose any mob you want. Also, you control how often each item drops. Cool, eh? If you dont understand what I just said, watch the video

CreateShops: You get a chest, and place in items you want for your shop. The top row is what to trade, and the bottom is what you get. Then you run this filter, and Ta-da! You got yourself a villager! Don't understand? Watch the video!

CreateSpawners: Probably one of the most important filters of all. You select a mob OR ENTITY, and run this filter. You got yourself a spawner! :) (this filter works for mobs AND entities. You can create gold spawners, or firework spawners. Just to let you know)

EditBeacons: Great filter to edit beacons! You can select any potion effect you want, and the level. For example, you can have a blindness beacon when you are in a wither room, or a jump boost 4 beacon in super mario... etc.

Enchant: Custom Enchantments! Great for customizing items.

FillDispensers: Fills dispensers with item up to 127 stack.

MobGear: Adds gear to mobs. You select a mob then add the gear. You cannot control the drops, or equip custom items to the mob (for example, red wool, or cobblestone as head). I recommend CreateGearedMobs.

ModifyItemStrings: This is an amazing filter. You can rename items to anything you want, WITHOUT the italics. You can bold the name, or make it underlined as well. You can also add color to the name! Also, you can create a Lore, which is the text underneath all the enchantments. That can be colored as well.

ModifyPotions: Modifies potions! Any effect, any duration, and any level!

That's all the epic filters Sethbling has made! Go check out his website for more awesome filters, and creations!


Have you seen those epic mountains and awesomely carved out caves, and wondered how the heck they made them? Well, this is a step by step tutorial on how to terraform!
You must have MCEdit, or Worldpainter.

MCEdit terraforming
With MCEdit, you can create a ton of awesome looking mountains and caves! Unfortunately it takes too much time. There is an easier way, and that is to download worldpainter. Worldpainter can make epic mountains, but cannot make caves :(

McEdit Terraforming

To terraform with McEdit, you must use the "brush" tool. Using the round brush and whatever material you want, create the mountain. After you finish doing that, you will find that the mountain looks a bit... round and unnatural. This is when Sethbling's Smooth filter comes into play. Select your mountain and smooth it with the filter. You're almost finished! When you go back into Minecraft, you will find that your mountain has a lot of holes in it. Fill those in by hand. As I said, terraforming with McEdit takes a lot of time (and effort!), and is not recommended for mountains.

Before I move on, I must thank Mat from the Mojang community for this awesome tutorial. You can find it here.

So, if you are too lazy to watch the 14 minute tutorial, I can explain how you do it. First, you find a spot in the ground, and clear it out. Then, you lay out a ton of sand with the brush tool. 70% of the cave should be filled with it. Then, you go into normal minecraft, and update all the sand. That will cause it all to fall. Then, you select the whole cavern and go to the "fill and replace" section. Then, have McEdit find air, and replace it with stone. Then, have McEdit replace sand with air. Ta-da! You got yourself a cave. If you understood none of that, go watch the tutorial :)

World Painter
World Painter is a very useful program for terraforming mountains! If you take the time to learn, it can be very useful. It's kinda hard to explain, so go ahead and watch JamziboyMinecraft's awesome tutorial here. It's 34 minutes long, but believe me, it's worth it!

How to Build Awesomely :)

You may have seen those awesome builds on the pop reel. They're so awesome! Well, you can be an awesome builder like them one day, if you try hard enough. I cannot explain how you can build awesomely, but there are youtubers that can. Personally, I am not that great of a builder. Here are a few:

1. Gazmo Network- An epic build team that built Herobrine's Return! They do tutorials and showcases. Go check them out!

2. Block_Fortress- An awesome builder who builds fantasy, and livestock. He creates awesome dragons, and has a couple of tutorials on his channel. He's also got a PMC, so check him out!

3. Mithrintia- an awesome build team that created the Wither's Challenge tower! They have a server, go check it out!

Watch their tutorials, and maybe you'll learn a thing or two! :)

Tips and Tricks

There are a ton of tips and tricks for making adventure maps. Here are a few good ones:

1. Always make the command block /say command colored! Don't be lazy! Remember: If your map has no effort put into it, it doesn't deserve the reel!

2. Name every single item the player is expected to pick up! For example, if you are to do what Hypixel does- with the armor points, and amount of damage, everything the player is expected to pick up should be named. If you pick up an unnamed diamond chestplate that's dropped from a zombie, it won't look good!

3. Cutscenes: Not all adventure maps need cutscenes. If you want to create one, here are a couple of tips on making them:

a. Slowness 100 potions are useful.

b. Remember: You have all the power in your hands! Go ahead and change the difficulty if you wish!

c. Use lights to control spawners! For example, you can have a zombie spawner spawn zombies every second. But, when you dont want the zombies to spawn, have redstone lamps light up around the spawners. This is a very useful technique!

d. Falling Sand filter is useful too! You can have spawners spawn falling iron blocks :)

4. Colors: type the § symbol, then a number for a color. The symbol can be copied and pasted into a book, and you can write in color! :)

How to upload a save

To upload a save, you need winrar/7-zip. I only know how to upload with winrar. Winrar is a program you can download from the internet. Download it, and then go to your saves folder. To go there, type %appdata% in the search bar, then open it. Then, double click .minecraft, and go into your saves folder. Then, right click the world you want to upload, and click "add to _____________.rar" where __________ is your world name. Then, upload to Mediafire... You're done! Video tutorial here. This is how to upload to mcforums, ignore the last part. and that mediafire is the old design, its newer now :)


In conclusion, adventure maps require a lot of effort and knowledge about minecraft to make. Hope this helped!


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CreditTHANKS to hypixel for his awesome maps!

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Syncre 05/08/2013 11:37:01 pmMay 8th, 2013

More links fixed; wow i was really lazy and didnt attach links to my blog... :(

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07/10/2016 10:33 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Bibliophile_'s Avatar
Great help! Thank you so much!
12/10/2015 7:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
conormustache's Avatar
Thankyou for this amazing tutorial!!
11/06/2014 6:37 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Fansee's Avatar
Hey sir, I really like your work and personally I believe your innate skills can be useful in our team, if your interested in trailing sir add my skype: minecraftshitcraft. Our build team name is Elrinir and we build for very popular servers which I'm sure you have heard of. As always loving the builds and add me on skype for further information! We do pay.
01/15/2014 8:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Exo1356's Avatar
First if I could comment you might want to add the OWNER of the picture before copyright stuff goes on. Or something... because it says hypixel still you should mention it in the creds. (Basically credits deserve a addition, organized part ;)
second thing adding a Mac upload would be a bit nice :/
Your blog is still very nice and pretty but sadly it won't help me. For an odd reason reading on my computer is a pain :I
btw - MCedit, NBT, Command blocks help SO MUCH in maps and if you do a ./effect command with jump boost at 128 you can't jump but strength and fatique at 127 do the oppisite LOL try dem out
*gos up page and clicks diamond*
P.S.S. I GUESS oh yah tanks with some stuff, the links are so helpful :S ----> :D
01/17/2014 12:26 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Network
Syncre's Avatar
Haha, tanks man
Woops, forgot to credit the picture ;P
Yeah, this blog is kinda old, and I'm too lazy to add in new stuff. lol
01/20/2014 12:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Exo1356's Avatar
np lol, my super small problem with map customize is...
redstone hates me.
Really I needed make this odd pattern to make a simple piston move D: sometimes the button does nothing even if it is wired right! :S.
WELP I'm gonna go off for two weeks trying to figure out all the cool commands from 1800 bookmarks so yah. ._. #1.8 #Randomanswer
01/20/2014 2:10 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Network
Syncre's Avatar
Haha, good luck. It's actually not that hard, it's the command blocks that are hard. I wish you the best of luck, buddy :D
09/04/2013 5:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The_Shade_of_Death's Avatar
I have a problem occuring with mobs, whenever i teleport somewhere i come back and they have despawned, what is going on?
09/10/2013 12:17 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Network
Syncre's Avatar
Normal mobs will despawn after u go out of range. It's kinda like chunks. Here is a filter that stops mobs from despawning:http://hypixel.net/threads/mcedit-filter-persistencemobs-mobs-don%C2%B4t-despawn-if-you-are-too-far-away.224/
You must select the mob then apply the filter for it to work.
Note: Villagers do not despawn.
07/09/2013 7:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SantiagoGR's Avatar
The link to sethbling's website doesnt work...

it says "404-the page you are looking for is missing"

can you fix?
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