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Aether Survival Guide #1 - Making Your House

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Collierdude's Avatar Collierdude
Level 52 : Grandmaster Taco
Here is my guide to the Aether. Also, before I do this, I will explain how to get the mod as easy as possible. See my How To Downgrade Blog and downgrade to MC 1.2.5. Then go to Skydaz.com, and find the MC 1.2.5 Aether Prerelease . Then scroll down and press "download .exe". Then just follow the instructions on the page. Alsoyou must have MC closed and force-updated for this!!! I am not responsible for ANY messed up Minecrafts!!!
And make sure to delete anything from your mods folder, and you config folder, before you install this.
TooManyItems and SinglePlayerCommands IS compatible with this, and I would install them AFTER you install the Aether 1.2.5. Download TMI here and SPC here. There. You have whatever you need for the Aether.
Now to get on to the guide:
This is a guide on how to survive in the Aether. You start by making an Aether Portal like this:
Then, light it with a water bucket.
Enter the Aether, you might spawn in the air. Hopefully you won't. If you do, go back to the normal world and collect enough wood or dirt to stack your way down to the floating islands.
You should spawn in a place that looks sort of like this:
There should be weird looking trees, called Skyroot Trees. You should punch the wood to get Skyroot Planks. With this wood, you can make Skyroot Tools. Start by making a Skyroot Pickaxe. Mining with this pickaxe, you sometimes get a drop of two. Start by clearing a flat land, then making a simple house. Also, make sure you don't lose track of you portal. Go mine some Holystone (Ex. Cobblestone) [With a Skyroot Pickaxe] and make an outline of Holystone.
Then, I would suggest making corners of skyroot, with Cold Aercloud windows. Cold Aerclouds spawn naturly <-- fail spelling], and you could easily go find some in clumps next to floating islands and in the air. Make your corners and your windows like this:
This is the basic wall/outline of your house. Start making it rise up and add any decorations you want. This is my walls:
As you can see at the top, there is something that looks like grey glowstone. This is called Icestone. It does not give off any light, and you can mine it with a skyroot pickaxe or anything above that. Now time for the roof. I make my roof out of 2 layers of cold aercloud.
This is your basic house. Now make 2 doors by making a door normaly, but with skyroot planks. Then make a crafting table with skyroot planks. Also, it would be good to go ahead and make a Freezer you can make a freezer by
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You should also make a large chest too. DO NOT MAKE A BED!!! IT WILL EXPLODE!!! Well, that is your house in the Aether. You can add whatever you want, second floor, etc. Make sure you put in the comments if you want another Aether survival guide!!! Also,

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