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All the server tutorial you ever need Mac + PC!

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eliminationoh44's Avatar eliminationoh44
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Hi guys, elimination oh44 here. This is my first post, so please give me suggestions on what to improve on next!

Today, I bring you the easy tutorial on how to set up a CRAFTBUKKIT server, easily! There has definitely been lots of conflicts on this, and I'm here to help you guys understand this easy concept!

Setting it Up

First, go on https://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/. Then, find the version (for now, it's 1.7.10) and press the green download button.

After that, drag the file that you downloaded to your desktop, and rename it to craftbukkit.jar

Then, create a new folder and call it "Minecraft Server". Drag your server there.

Now it splits up to Mac and PC...


Create a new file in Textedit, then go to Format (On top) -> Make Plain Text

Copy the following code into the Plain Text File:

cd"$(dirname "$0")"
exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui

This gives your server 1G RAM.

RAM is one of the factors that determines how not-laggy your server is. The more RAM, the less lag (supposedly). You can check your RAM by going to the apple icon on the top left -> About This Mac.

Save this file as start_server.command inside the "Minecraft Server" folder.

Then, go in terminal and type in chmod a+x, then add a space, then drag your start_server.command file into the terminal file, then press enter. This will allow your start_server.command to run.

Now your able to run your server! Open start_server.command.


Create a new file in Notepad, then paste in this code:

java -Xms512M -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit.jar

This gives your server a bit of 512MB to 1000MB of RAM.

RAM is one of the factors that determines how not-laggy your server is. The more RAM, the less lag (supposedly). You can check your RAM by going to start -> right-clicking computer -> properties. 

Save your file as start_server.bat, then place it in your Minecraft Server folder.

You are now done! Open your server by double-clicking the start_server.bat

Basic server files

After you open up your server, a lot of files should appear in your folder. We will take a look at all of those files.

Close up your server by typing stop. Then, go into your "Minecraft Server" Folder.

world - That is your Minecraft world folder. You can replace this folder as long as you change the replacing folder's name to "world".

banned-ips: These are the ips that are banned from your server. On default, it should be empty.

banned-players: These are the players that are banned from your server. On default, it should be empty.

craftbukkit.jar: Self-Explantory.

start_server.command or start_server.bat: The file to open your server. Self-Explanatory.

ops: These are the players are , overpowered, or people who have all the permissions and are able to do anything and everything (unless you change it)

server.log: The chat history

server.properties: Some basics server properties.

white-list: Don't worry about this one.


Open server.properties.

generator-settings= (Don't worry about this)
op-permission-level=4 (Sets the level of ops)
level-name=world (What name your world will be under)
enable-query=false (Used to get information about the server)
allow-flight=false (Whether people are able to fly. Being in creative and flying will still be allowed)
announce-player-achievements=true (Whether or not people's achievements will be broadcasted to everyone)
server-port=25565 (Don't change this!)
level-type=DEFAULT (Don't change this!)
enable-rcon=false (Don't change this!)
level-seed= (Your world seed. Don't worry about this)
force-gamemode=false (Don't worry about this)
max-build-height=256 (Determines your max build height)
spawn-npcs=true (Whether villagers spawn in your server)
white-list=false (Don't worry about this)
spawn-animals=true (Self-explanatory)
hardcore=false (Whether or not the mode is set to hardcore)
snooper-enabled=true (Determines of your server information gets sent to snoop.minecraft.net)
online-mode=true (Whether or not your server is cracked)
resource-pack= (self-explanatory)
pvp=true (Whether or not players will be able to damage other players)
difficulty=1 (Determines the difficulty of your server. 0 is peaceful, 1 is easy, 2 is medium, and 3 is hard)
enable-command-block=false (Self-explanatory)
gamemode=0 (The default gamemode. 0 is survival, 1 is creative, 2 is adventure, and 3 is spectator)
player-idle-timeout=0 (This determines how long the player has to stay afk to be kicked. 0 means he/she'll never be kicked)
max-players=20 (The max players that is displayed. Does not matter if max players are exceeded)
spawn-monsters=true (Whether if monsters are allowed to be spawned)
generate-structures=true (Whether if structures like nether fortresses, strongholds, etc... generate or not)
view-distance=10 (Don't worry about this)
motd=A Minecraft Server (Your message of the day, that is appeared under your server tab)


So we're finally at this category!

I have to stress this.


Having extra plugin that doesn't serve your server very much is actually a way to decrease your players!
Firstly, it increases your RAM. Secondly, it might be buggy. Thirdly, .... you know. It's just not good.

Here are some recommended default plugins:

http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/essentials/ (Essentials)

http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldguard/ (WorldGuard)

http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/worldedit/ (WorldEdit)

There are many more to be found... just go on dev.bukkit.org and try searching it!


Finally, hosting. This is one of the hardest thing that ever happened to man and woman kind.

1. Buying hosting (Skip this part if you do not want to spend money for hosting your server)

One of the best and the most favorable options is to buy hosting. With $5.00 per month, your able to buy a pretty good 512 MB RAM support with top-notch processors! 

I'm going to stress this again... DO NOT START BUYING 4 OR 5GB RAM SERVERS! THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT!
A very good website to buy hosting is http://madbytehosting.com. They have great prices and the best processor you can find anywhere!

Pros: Easy to setup, cheap.

Cons: Costs some money.

2. Port forwarding

A free way of hosting your server is called port forwarding. This method allows you to bypass your router's firewall and make your server public. Check http://portforward.com/softwareguides/minecraft/portforward-minecraft.htm for an awesome guide for portforwarding Minecraft

Pros: Free, more RAM.

Cons: Hard to setup, may/may not be 24/7, your computer might have bad processor.

3. Applying for Sponsorships

The last way (as far as I know) to get hosting is applying for sponsorships. This is the way that I got my servers.

Here is an awesome guide for applying for sponsorships: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers/minecraft-server-hosting/hosting-requests/568842-enteis-guide-to-sponsorships-and-free-servers
Visit my post here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers/minecraft-server-hosting/hosting-requests/2086863-looking-for-2-3-512-ram-minecraft-server#c1

madbytehosting.com might be a place to start, or you can post your own post here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers/minecraft-server-hosting/hosting-requests

Anyways, guys, so that's my long guide for a server tutorial. If it is helpful, please

comment, Subscribe, and Diamond! Thanks guys! Peace out!

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