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Building the Golden Ratio spiral + Download + Tutorial

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MegaMinerDL's Avatar MegaMinerDL
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Answer
Have you ever gotten ratio-ed by a mathematical spiral?

You can download my sample spiral from the cover as a schematic on Patreon for free. Built on 1.20, but since I only used wool and quartz, a schematic should be compatible with any version. Schematic pastes from the center of the spiral.

Introduction: The spiral

I hope that by color coding my build, it’s easy to see how the Golden Ratio works. It is a series of quarter circles, and the length of each quarter circle is made up of the previous two smaller quarter circles. You can ignore the spiral and just look at the colored squares. In reality this length difference is approximately 1.618.

The Golden Ratio is supposed to be an aesthetically pleasing, or even divine, design pattern, associated with Ancient Greece. It works like the Fibonacci sequence (where each number comes from adding the previous two): 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, …

Therefore yes, building a Golden Ratio in Minecraft quickly gets huge. My sequence makes 13 steps and expands to 382 blocks on the final quater circle. Wait, why would you even build that? A garden maybe?

How to: World Edit tutorial

This tutorial is exactly how I built it – there is a floor layer of colored squares, which is used to guide me to make the spiral on top of it using World Edit’s circle generation commands.

All the formatting (Lists and images) breaks, please see my blog if interested for a Golden Spiral guide with images.
Building the Golden Ratio in a few World Edit commands – PREMIUM MINECRAFT BLOG
CreditAncient Greeks

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