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An update on... stuff. (with a story)

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Enraric's Avatar Enraric
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon
Hello everyone. I know I haven't posted anything in a while, but it's mostly because I'm gonna get myself a new computer soon that WON'T GIVE ME BLUE SCREEN FROM MCEDIT!!! I'm also waiting on the picture mentioned in "Anyone any good at image editing?" I have, however, written a short story for you to enjoy while you wait. I am unable to come up with a title for now.

o Sir, 2 enderman destroyers and a battlecruiser are at 30,000 kilometres and closing. Theyo re hailing us sir.o

Captain Markus Perssons looked up from the personal screen on his command chair up to the main view screen at the front of the bridge. The three ships were visible floating in space, their formidable power obvious in their design. Captain Perssons considered his options. He could fight, but the endermen, nine feet tall with the natural ability to teleport, would warp onto his ship and slaughter his men. He could run o with likely the same result. No, he would have to try a different tactic.

o Two way video com onscreen now,o commanded Perssons.

o Sir,o exclaimed Commander Jens Bergensten, Perssonso second in command. o Endermen dono t negotiate.o

o Neither do we.o replied Perssons. o Tell Steve and his SpecOps crew to suit up.o


Steve locked the air seal on his helmet. He glanced at his wrist monitor. His fuel tank was full. Steve activated his teamo s private com channel.

o Everybody ready?o he asked.

Four ready lights blinked in the corner of Steveo s visor. He then activated his external speakers.

o Alright Commander, weo re ready for launch,o he told Commander Bergensten, who was inside the control booth. o Open the doors.o

Bergensten nodded, then pressed one of the controls. The bay doors opened, and Steve and his team were flung out into space, using their jetpacks to orient themselves towards the enderman battle cruiser.


On the bridge screen, the enderman captain looked to a display on his left. o Why have you just opened your bay doors?o

o Weo re dumping garbage,o replied Captain Perssons. o Standard procedure.o

The opposing captain looked over his shoulder. o Scan it.o


A notification sounded in Steveo s helmet and a warning popped up on his visor saying he was being scanned.

He spoke into the com o Team, illusion field up.o Now to any scanner they would appear to be crates of garbage.


The enderman who appeared to be at the scanner reported back to his captain. o Sir, their story checks out. It really is just garbage.o

Inwardly, Perssons smiled.


Steve and his team brushed up against the hull of the enderman battlecruiser. Each of them took out their explosives and set them to a thirty second timer. They pushed off from the hull to what Steve hoped has a safe distance away from the blast that would rip open the battle cruisero s hull and allow them entry.


Captain Perssons heard a muffled thump on the endermeno s side of the transmission, followed by an alarm. The enderman captain looked furious, but then smiled in a way that did not suggest humour.

o Captain,o he said. o If youo ve just tried to break into my ship, your team will be very, very sorry they ever enlisted in the navy.o


The explosives detonated, and Steve and his crew climbed into the ship. The sight that greeted them was not one they expected. Twenty enderman warriors waited for them with nuclear rifles and grenades.

The only thing Steve was able to say was, o This is going to be messy,o before all hell broke loose.

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