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Birds from Rio and Rio 2 in real life blog №4

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Bicudinho's Avatar Bicudinho
Level 53 : Grandmaster Birb
Continuation... I decided to continue. This time I will show a wide variety of birds, each of which belongs to a different family.
Lets start with this bird, whose color resembles that of an emperor penguin.
Birds from Rio and Rio 2 in real life blog №4
The image of this bird is based on the appearance of the campo flicker (Colaptes campestris), a species of bird in the woodpecker family (Picidae). The southern population has a white throat (instead of a black throat) and is sometimes considered a separate species, the pampas flicker (Colaptes campestroides). Unlike the movie, real woodpeckers have two fingers pointing forward instead of three.
Birds from Rio and Rio 2 in real life blog №4
Having 32 centimeters in length, this species is easily identifiable because of its color; it has the sides of the head and neck yellow, as well as the chest; the top of the head and the nape of the head are black, as are the beak and tarsi, barred robe and belly and the lower back is visibly white in flight. The male has two reddish bands on both sides of the head.
Birds from Rio and Rio 2 in real life blog №4
Inhabits fields and savannahs, lives in couples and sometimes in small groups. Terricultural, he usually captures insects in the soil, but when he feels threatened, he looks for trees or large rocks to protect himself. It is found in a wide range of open and semi-open habitats in eastern Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and northeastern Argentina, with isolated populations in Amapá and southern Suriname.

Violet heron
This bird is based on the little blue heron (Egretta caerulea), a small heron belonging to the family Ardeidae (includes herons, egrets, and bitterns).

This species is about 64–76 cm long, with a 102 cm wingspan, and weighs 325 g. As an adult, it has a bluish-gray plumage, with a violet head and neck, beak, tarsus and blackish fingers. When juvenile, she is white, undergoing a “spotted” transition stage.

A juvenile
It inhabits mangroves and mudflats on the coast, which it explores at times of low tide, in addition to wetlands, rivers and lakes, being more common in coastal areas. Present throughout the Brazilian coast, Pantanal and Amazon Basin. Also found from the southern United States and Central America to Colombia, Peru, Chile and Uruguay.
yellow - breeding; blue - non-breeding; green - year-round
Yellow parrot
It is undeniably a golden parakeet. The golden parakeet or golden conure (Guaruba guarouba) is a medium-sized yellow Neotropical parrot native to the Amazon Basin of interior northern Brazil.
The golden conure is 34 cm long and mainly yellow with green in the outer wings and with an all-yellow tail. It has the colors of the Brazilian flag, so it is considered the best alternative to be chosen as the national bird.
This bird is threatened with extinction. This is largely due to deforestation and the capture of wild birds for aviculture, where it is in high demand due to the attractiveness of its plumage. Locally, they are considered as pests for feeding on crops, and are hunted for food or sport. The current population is estimated to be in the range of 10,000 to 20,000.

Found exclusively in Brazil, from western Maranhão to southeast Amazonas, and always south of the Amazon River and east of the Madeira River. There are occasional records in the 1990s in the northeast of Rondônia and the far north of Mato Grosso (no more recent records). There is a feral population of this species registered in Joinvile as a result of the release process that took place in 1984.
Alice and Chloe
Alice and Chloe are a pair of female Canada geese that appear in Rio as minor characters. They live in Moose Lake, Minnesota.
The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) is a waterfowl species in the family Anatidae, which contains the ducks, geese, and swans. It is one of the most famous birds in the world.

Canada geese range from 75 to 110 cm in length and have a 127–185 cm wingspan. The male Canada goose usually weighs 2.6–6.5 kg, averaging amongst all subspecies 3.9 kg. The female looks virtually identical, but is slightly lighter at 2.4–5.5 kg, averaging amongst all subspecies 3.6 kg, and generally 10% smaller in linear dimensions than the male counterparts.

The Canadian goose is a favorite hunting object due to its size and taste of meat. About 400,000 members of the species are shot each year during the hunting season in the United States and Canada.
The Canada goose is native to arctic and temperate regions of North America, and its migration occasionally reaches northern Europe. It has been introduced to the United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and New Zealand. Like most geese, the Canada goose is primarily herbivorous and normally migratory, it tends to be found on or close to fresh water.
Extremely adept at living in human-altered areas, Canada geese have established breeding colonies in urban and cultivated habitats, which provide food and few natural predators.
Canada goose distribution:
Summer range (native)
Year-round range (native)
Wintering range (native)
Summer range (introduced)
Year-round range (introduced)
Wintering range (introduced)
Summer range (cackling goose (Branta hutchinsii), currently considered a separate species)
Birds in their nests
These peculiar nests look like yellow-rumped cacique nests. The yellow-rumped cacique (Cacicus cela) is a passerine bird in the family Icteridae (New World blackbirds).

The male is on average 28 centimetres long and weighs about 104 grams, with the female 23 centimetres long and weighing approximately 60 grams. The yellow-rumped cacique is a slim bird, with a long tail, blue eyes, and a pale yellow pointed bill. It has mainly black plumage, apart from a bright yellow rump, tail base, lower belly and wing "epaulets". The female is duller black than the male, and the juvenile bird resembles the female, but has dark eyes and a brown bill base.

The song of the male yellow-rumped cacique is a brilliant mixture of fluting notes with cackles, wheezes and sometimes mimicry. There are also many varied calls, and an active colony can be heard from a considerable distance.
It is a colonial breeder, with up to 100 bag-shaped nests in a tree, which usually also contains an active wasp nest. The females build the nests, incubate, and care for the young. Each nest is 30–45 cm long and widens at the base, and is suspended from the end of a branch. Females compete for the best sites near the protection of the wasp nest.

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10/26/2021 9:53 am
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
Is a good job and the mix with real and cartoonish pictures are a really nice idea!Keep your work up!
07/28/2021 2:36 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Sus
Thatdudewhoplaysminecraft's Avatar
Can you make a cape barren goose?
08/03/2021 1:39 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Birb
Bicudinho's Avatar
maybe in the future
