This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Bleach mod idea

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david0f's Avatar david0f
Level 23 : Expert Ninja
For those who don't know bleach
Hollow: hostile monsters

Shinigami mod in minecraft


A player can become a Shinigami by entering to their dimension: the Soul Society.

As a Shinigami, you can start off with a basic Reiatsu pool of 300, which by default regenerates slowly (1/sec). A Shinigami has a basic defence of their spiritual power, which can be improved directly, or by increasing their Reiatsu pool. (The armour is explained in the Strength part.) They have 15 hearts by default instead of the normal 10.

I can imagine something like this:


Enchanting is no longer available for a Shinigami, as his only weapon is unbreakable. A Shinigamio s primary weapon -called a Zanpakuto- can have special abilities depending on its type. One player can have only one Zanpakuto during the gameplay. If the player dies, he will respawn with the Zanpakuto in his inventory.

A Zanpakuto is as strong as its owner. Zanpakuto have passive abilities depending on its type. A melee-typed can have swiftness, jump, strength bonuses while a kido type can have kido cost lowering, or faster reiatsu regeneratin abilities.

A player can choose from a wide variety of Zanpakuto when becomes a Shinigami. Io m not sure which one would be better; to use existing zanpakuto (like Zangetsu, Benihime o ¦ ), or to create new ones with new abilities, so right now Io ll just skip this part.


You can level up by killing monsters or winning duals.

For every level up, you get 1 skill point, which you can spend on certain abilities and skills.

Skills for a Shinigami:

Hereo s a scheme about my thoughts:

Click to reveal


Strength and Reiatsu

Click to reveal

You need to be at least level 15, and must have a skill point to unlock it (it actually costs a skill point, so you will lose it).

You can unlock 5 levels of Hado and/or Bakuto classes.

1st unlock: lvl 0 o 19 at level 15

2nd unlock: lvl 20 o 39 at level 15

3rd unlock: lvl 40 o 59 at level 25

4th unlock: lvl 60 o 79 at level 40

5th unlock: lvl 80 o at level 60

Every kido costs reiatsu, the cost varies. You can decrease the costs by choosing the right skill. How will it decrease the cost? Every upgrade makes hado/bakuto require 10% (of the original price) less reiatsu. 5 upgrade is possible.

For example, with a level 5 hado upgrade, the o Hado no 4 o Byakuraio would cost 15 reiatsu (instead of the original 30).

Bakuto effects last longer: Hado effects are stronger:

upgrade 1: 120% 1: 110%

upgrade 2: 140% 2: 120%

upgrade 3: 170% 3: 130%

upgrade 4: 200% 4: 150%

upgrade 5: 250% (of original duration) 5: 200% (of original damage)

After you use a kido, you need to wait a given time, depending on the level of the summoned kido. This is the cooldown time, which you can reduce to 50% of the original cooldown time via the correct upgrade.

Kido types

Click to reveal

1 Sho - knocks back an opponent

Cost: 20 Cooldown: 10

4 Byakurai - A blue beam of light, causes 6 damage, need direct hit.

Cost: 30 Cooldown: 20

31 Shakkaho - fires a fireball, the caused damage equals to a creeperso explosion, the center is where the fireball hits. Sets the area on fire.

Cost: 50 Cooldown: 40

33 Sokatsui - fires a beam of lightning, inflicts 20 damage in case of direct hit, 10 if the beam is within a 5 block range of the target.

Cost: 100 Cooldown: 60

58 Tenran - enemies within 16 blocks to the caster takes 20 fall damage and knocback 3 effect.

Cost: 200 Cooldown: 120

73 Soren Sokatsui - fires a beam of lightning, inflicts 50 points of damage if direct hit, points if the target is within beams 8 block range, 15 if 16 block range.

Cost: 400 Cooldown: 240

90 Kurohitsugi - 100% hit chance, target suffers 100 points damage.

Cost: 600 Cooldown: 300

91 o Senju Koten Taiho - The hadoo s centre is marked by the caster. a 24 radius sphere of the territory is fully vanished, targets within 24 blocks take 120 points of damage.

Cost: 800 Cooldown: 1200

Click to reveal

1 Sai o prevents an opponent from attacking for 10 seconds. (weakness 10)

Cost: 20 Cooldown: 60

9 Geki - paralyzes the opponent for 10 seconds. (slowness 10, weakness 10)

Cost: 40 Cooldown: 60

21 Sekienton o sets a 10 radius sphere to smoke for 20 seconds.

Cost: 30 Cooldown: 60

26 Kyokko o blinds the opponent for 20 seconds (5 seconds nightvision, 20 seconds blindness at the same time)

Cost: 60 Cooldown: 90

30 Shitotsu Sansen o paralyzes an opponent for 30 seconds (slowness 10, weakness 10)

Cost: 100 Cooldown: 180

39 Enkosen o summons a shield which protects you from attacks for 60 seconds (resistance 5)

Cost: 200 Cooldown: 300

58 Kakushitsuijaku o for 300 seconds, you can detect hidden reiatsu.

Cost: 200 Cooldown: 900

61 RikujÅ kÅ rÅ o Paralyzes a target for 60 seconds (slowness 10, weakness 10) and drains 20% of its reiatsu.

Cost: 250 Cooldown: 450

79 KuyÅ Shibari o Drains 30% of the targeto s reiatsu, and add it to yours.

Cost: 100 Cooldown: 450

99 Kin o paralyzes the target for a 120 seconds (slowness 10, weakness 10). Also drains 20% of its healt, and adds it to yours.

Cost: 300 Cooldown: 600

Bakudo's effectiveness

(bakudo_lvl + your_lvl) /(2*target_lvl) * duration
(bakudo_lvl + your_lvl-5) /(2*target_lvl) * potency

For example, you are using the lvl9 Geki on a lvl22 Hollow, and you are on level 30:

Geki duration: (9 + 30) / (2 * 22) * 10 seconds = 8,86 seconds
potency: (9 + 30-5) / (2 * 22) * 10 (slowness and weakness) = 7,73


By default, the Shinigami is not able to use Shunpo. The player must be at level 10 or higher, and must unlock it first (for 1 skill point). When unlocked, you will be able to use shunpo by pressing ctrl and clicking on a block. If you click ont he top of a block, you will teleport on it, if you aimed to the side you will teleport next to it.

Hereo s how I imagine it:


The highlighted block is the target block, the green number is the cost of the shunpo. By default, it costs 20 reiatsu/meter and up to a maximum of 5 meters. As always, you can better these stats by upgrading shunpo:

Shunpo upgrades

lvl 1: 8 m 1: 18
lvl 2: 12 m 2: 16
lvl 3: 18 m 3: 12
lvl 4: 24 m 4: 9
lvl 5: 30 m 5: 5 reiatsu/meter


If you want to become a fighter, strength is the single most important skill to train. Strength will improve your damage, health, armour and even your reiatsu pool.


Increase melee damage: it depends ont he zanpakuto youo ve chosen.

1: + (zanpakuto_base_damage/10)
2: + (zanpakuto_base_damage/8)
3: + (zanpakuto_base_damage/6)
4: + (zanpakuto_base_damage/3)
5: + zanpakuto_base_damage

For example: a zanpakuto with 10 base damage:
level 4: damage = 10 + 10/3 = 13 (integer division)

Increases shikai damage:

1: + (zanpakuto_shikai_damage/10)
2: + (zanpakuto_ shikai _damage/8)
3: + (zanpakuto_ shikai _damage/6)
4: + (zanpakuto_ shikai _damage/3)
5: + zanpakuto_ shikai _damage

Increases attack damages over level 60, and bankai:

1: + (zanpakuto_bankai_damage/5)
2: + (zanpakuto_ bankai_damage/3)
3: + (zanpakuto_ bankai_damage
4: + (zanpakuto_ bankai _damage*1.5)
5: + zanpakuto_bankai_damage*3

The bankai damage means the zanpakutoo s bankai form, or a special attack over lvl 60 in any form.

Increases armour rate:

Click to reveal

Spiritual armour = reiatsu pool/100 + increased armour via strength upgrade

Damage absorbed by the armour and the reiatsu:

(armour/4) *[ (p_cur_rei + p_rei_pool) / (op_cur_rei+op_rei_pool)]*(player_lvl/op_lvl)

p_cur_rei: playero s current reiatsu

p_rei_pool: playero s reiatsu pool, the other part is the opponento s.

For example:

Player: lvl 30, 1000 reiatsu pool, 250 reiatsu, armour: 64 (including the spiritual armour)
Opponent: lvl 25 Hollow, 800 reiatsu pool, 500 reiatsu, damage: 32

absorbed damage = 64/4 * [(250+1000) / (800+500)] * (30/25) = 18
taken damage = 14 (from 32)

upgrade 1: + (lvl/5)
upgrade 2: + (lvl/4)
upgrade 3: + (lvl/3)
upgrade 4: + (lvl/2)
upgrade 5: + (lvl)

Increases health points:

upgrade 1: + (lvl/3)
upgrade 2: + (lvl/2)
upgrade 3: + (lvl)
upgrade 4: + (lvl*2)
upgrade 5: + (lvl*3)



Increases reiatsu pool:

1: 400 requires lvl 5
2: 500 requires lvl 10
3: 700 requires lvl 15
4: 900 requires lvl 18
5: 1200 requires lvl 22

Increases reiatsu regeneration:

1: 2/second requires lvl 1 reiatsu pool
2: 3/second requires lvl 2 reiatsu pool
3: 5/second requires lvl 3 reiatsu pool
4: 8/second requires lvl 4 reiatsu pool
5: 12/second requires lvl 5 reiatsu pool

Increases health points (one level only)

Increases reiatsu damage:

1: + 5 requires lvl 1 reiatsu pool
2: + 8 requires lvl 2 reiatsu pool
3: + 12 requires lvl 3 reiatsu pool
4: +15 requires lvl 4 reiatsu pool
5: +20 requires lvl 5 reiatsu pool

Highly increases reiatsu pool - requires lvl 5 reiatsu pool

1: 1500
2: 1800
3: 2100
4: 2500
5: 3000

Unfortunately I couldn't finish this one on time due to lack of free time. :(


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