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Boston T Lines

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Calydon123's Avatar Calydon123
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
I was really wanting to make the T lines of Boston. But I need some help :P If any one has a server,and time to help I would love some help!

I want to make it at least kinda detailed and so Minecarts can ride in them, but also big tunnels for real-ish sized trains!
If possible I also want to make the stations them selves at the stop they should be at!

I realize this will be long and hard. But if you are willing, so am I.

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06/19/2014 4:05 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
supercrafter1141's Avatar
If yoy still want to do the boston t Ican help but you might need to find a server but Ihave been in the boston t many times so i know the area
