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Bounty hunter Eddie (girlycrafter's contest entry)

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Apimil's Avatar Apimil
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
I saw yesterday these words "drawing contest", it made me think of this awesome time when I used to draw awesome suff and everyone was "omg it awsum ur a genius marry me". This was great. But this blessed time stopped when I became too lazy even to draw things in class.
So bored me was taking a look on pmc when I saw this contest, as I had absolutelly nothing else to do and as I was nor tired because I wake up at 18h30 this morning, I decided to draw something. But what ? I decided to read the contest rules to find an idea, but "draw whatever you want" isn't the most inspirational sentence I've seen.
After reflexion, I decided to make iron maiden 's Eddie, because I'm an huge iron maiden fanboy.
As I had only a notebook I decided to draw it the old fashionned way, with a pencil and a sheet of paper. it took me 3 and an half hours, but I'm happy with the result, even if it's not perfect, and I made a lot of errors :/. Saddly the only thing I had to upload it was an old scanner, sorry for the quality, and also sorry for my bad english ;)
Here is the contest if you're interested : http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/guess-what-contest/#comments
Hope you'll like it !

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02/05/2015 8:34 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
VenomViper's Avatar
Eddie will always get you.
02/05/2015 11:03 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
Haha, this is so old :p
09/02/2012 9:21 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Nerd
lilpipsqueak123's Avatar
AMAZING! I cant draw that good but I can draw good cuz yous draw like amazingly good and im good good like not wow type of good but like thats cool type of good you know hwta I sayin?
09/03/2012 5:15 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
I think I get it. Thank you anyways ! xD
09/01/2012 12:01 am
Level 43 : Master Artist
mangaxai's Avatar
Love that foreshortening ^_^
09/01/2012 6:37 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
Well, I don't know what a foreshortening is, but thank you !
09/01/2012 6:56 am
Level 43 : Master Artist
mangaxai's Avatar
Foreshortening is a technique used in drawings to make something look close or far, you used it by drawing the closer end of the gun bigger then the end that is farthest from us and having the arm hidden behind the hand, it looks really awesome ^_^
09/01/2012 7:45 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
Well, ok I didn't know what this world meant, I'm not english :) in french it's "perspective"
09/01/2012 8:13 am
Level 43 : Master Artist
mangaxai's Avatar
Foreshortening is also called perspective, it would have been way easier to explain if I just said that, sorry you had to read my lame explanation.
09/01/2012 8:14 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
Ok xD no problem !
