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Diamonddozen's Avatar Diamonddozen
Level 55 : Grandmaster Baconator
Hello girls and boys, welcome to DiamondBlog! This rant is about one of the biggest on going things right now. I'm sure many will both agree and disagree with me.

My Little Pony, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, they are all members of a devious plan to rid the world of sanity and straight guys. My Little Pony has lead to forums, hubs, websites and of course the "All Mighty" Television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

What has this world come to? I don't know simple minded question answer. Now there are teenagers having sexual thoughts about toys for five your old girls? I guess it's fine fore girls to like ponies like Zaphox or Snowylips but grown men? It's just sick. I'm going to start this new obsession about... Hello Kitty. Or maybe even the Power Puff girls. Eventually it will turn into a new sensation and the most popular Hub on Planet Minecraft will be the Hello Kitty Hub.

What I'm trying to get through here is stop and think for something. You wonder why people come and call you gay, a pussy, a sissy, a little girl and whatever else. If you stop people will respect you more. Nothing against My Little Pony. This is all for the Bronies.

"Put your bro hoofs together and unite fellow bronies, down with DiamondBlog!" Everybody meet the Hater. He is the guy who thinks the exact opposite of whatever I say. He is the third of my series of Characters.

Simple Minded Question Asker

Thank you to anyone who agrees and for reading. If you want to chat with me and other Diamonders thenjust go to one of my social pages: NotSoTanner (Twitter) and DiamondBlog (Facebook). Gaaaa! I almost forgot! #Revolution

I am going to re-word what I said. So here it goes. It's fine that people like My Little Pony (going against everything I just said). The thing is the way Bronies act. I like Minecraft. I don't go and force it down people's throats. Bronies believe they are the best people alive and everyone should like My Little Pony.

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12/04/2018 1:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Miss_Final_Verse's Avatar
"The thing is the way Bronies act. I like Minecraft. I don't go and force it down people's throats."

Well for starters, we are not "forcing it down peoples throats" We are simply making it well known, which in turn creates a lot of new content and from this, people assume that we are trying to take over with it? Look at all the Minecraft videos on youtube... Are people trying to take over with Minecraft? No they absolutely are not, it's just a simple matter of it becoming so popular that it is seen more commonly even while you are not searching for it, because more and more fan made content is being made to be seen.

Stop being a child and suck it up. We all have our interests and pastel colored ponies just happen to be one of mine, so yes I enjoy the fact that it became so popular, that it branched off into something incredible (despite all the hate it received) The creative minds of the internet have given us art, music, animations, games, all through the spread of a common interest which only a manchild would complain about which is really kind of pathetic, considering the topic we are on here and what said manchild is actually whining about.

I stumbled upon this blog looking for content from my favorite fandom, but instead of finding what I sought out to find, I found garbage and garbage people. This is a forum for sharing all types of creative works with many different people (MLP content included) so grow up. it's quite pathetic that even someone who likes MLP (a cartoon who's original target audience was little girls) actually shows higher levels of maturity than one such as yourself... It's almost as if *gasp* Liking MLP does not affect me as a person at all!
12/30/2015 8:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Elitedude's Avatar
Im A Brony So Deal With It!
07/22/2015 3:09 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Archer
GeorgeFloydGaming's Avatar
this blog is a load of shit XD
12/31/2014 2:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Skinner
FitterKitteh's Avatar
Ok. You have netflix? if so watch the two Brony documentrys on there. If you dont like bronies then you may want to deal with it. There will be at least one person who likes My Little Pony whether it be Gen 3 or FiM for the long future. My piece of advice for you: Suck it up. We are not going anywhere. That picture is extremely offensive. We do not believe we are the best people alive and maybe it is true that people would be nicer if they watched MLP. Reason: The elements are Kindness Loyalty Generosity Magic Laughter and Honesty. In every episode there is a lesson pertaining to the main ponys element (ex. If the main pony in the episode was Fluttershy, the lesson would have to do with Kindness) or to all the ponys elements. These lessons help you expand on those traits. FiM was actually also made for adults. Time Turner (Doctor Whooves) as a reference to Doctor Who. Parasprites as a reference to Tribbles in Star Trek abnd the list goes on. Touching on the comment where you said "they are all members of a devious plan to rid the world of sanity and straight guys." Utterly wrong. In a study more Bronies were heterosexual than homosexual. I know I am late here but stop being a utter jerk. a brony once got their back window smashed when they had a Princess Luna decal on it thanks to people like you. Stop picking fights on bronies because we like a little girlsd show even when the developers meant to make it interesting for us too. Just because you dont agree with it doesn't mean it is gonna stop. We are sick of getting hate from people like you. Stop. Just stop. We are just gonna wear our tees with pride, you jerk.
10/15/2014 6:09 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
DuskRaine's Avatar
You made me cry. Jk. Ur a loser. Call me a hater bu this blog is utter crap.
10/15/2014 6:11 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Artist
DuskRaine's Avatar
this entire blog is a lie.
08/13/2014 12:13 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1725318's Avatar
08/09/2014 5:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Deadlinebron-3's Avatar
1. I'm a brony
2. I am gay, and I already was WAY before I became a brony
3. People who look at me usually describe me as normal looking.
4. I'm not one of those bronies who stuff the fandom down everyone's throat, and I expect to be tolerated for that.
08/03/2013 5:07 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Creeper Hugger
TehSephiRox's Avatar
I hate ponies in Minecraft
06/29/2013 8:22 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
ebrbrbbrbrb's Avatar
Ok not sure if PMC just glitched or something but all of my post which I was typing just disappeared after I clicked submit. That took over and hour and I'm not going to type it again. Long story short it is about how you haters are treating bronies and it involves all of my life stories and why I am the way I am. About giving me all your hate. All of it. Don't be posting it on people who don't deserve it. Just give it to me. I do not deserve it but I would rather take up all of the hate rather than have more people commit suicide from the overreacted/"trolling" that went too far for too long. Online and in the real world. I knew a man that couldn't take it anymore so he shot himself. Not going to type the message he left again because it brings the memories back. He was babysitting me at the time when I was 8 (Couldn't be trusted home alone.). He didn't get the help he needed and if they tried it would have been too late. Now go ahead and say what i'm saying is fake. You may think it is but its not. You "Popular kids" that pick on others because of how they were brought up or live their life are just corrupt. Corrupt like all the others. Now just think about all the things you have done and said to others and see if you can do something different or at least apologize. And if you really WANTED them to then you can go give me all that hate. No matter what its about I will just suck it up and read every single message. I've had enough done to me to know that i'm not going anywhere. Only here to help make the world a better place.
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