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Build ideas for a Plot World

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Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
Now, I really like plot world servers. I always have a ton of ideas, so I decided to share some with you! 1. Hotel: Ask people to pay (ingots), use room keys, make it interactive! 2. Restaurant: Interactive, of course! 3. Club (light up dance floor, anybody?) 4.Maze: Screw around with people's brains. 5 . Casino: Don't judge. I have seen the Reno airport. I see all dem slots xD 6. Rollercoaster: 'Nuff said. 7. Statue of your skin to rub in people's faces. :D 8. Arena! Battle, build, and do random stuff like skin competitions and pig racing! anyway, i hope you guys enjoy building! comment below your favorite thing to build, and requests for me to build! Pineapple OUT! <3

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