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Christmas Update!!!

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tntcookie's Avatar tntcookie
Level 50 : Grandmaster Archer
The new update is out, 1.4.6 brings new additions into minecraft. its not a big update but its fun.

Fireworks- Fireworks come in all different shapes, sizes, colors and effects. They are able to combine to make mega fireworks or be single boring ones. Use the dyes with gunpowder and paper to make the firework ball. Add a head/golden nugget/diamond/feather/fire charge to change the effect. You are able to shoot them out of dispensers so you can make firework shows.

Enchantment Books-Enchantment books allow you to be specific with enchanting. Use your selected tool in a anvil and combine it with your enchantment book. With a small xp cost you will enchant the tool with the selected enchantment. You can find these in dungeon/stronghold/village chests.

3D Items-In fancy mode your items will stack together in sets of 64 and will also rotate in super cool 3D.

Better bows-the arrows now are visible further in far mode. this allows you to be more precise with shooting.

Xmas chests- chests have been altered to look like presents. The small chests is a red present whereas the large chest is a green present.

Ski's-Ski's have not yet been added but they are there in the .jar.
they will probably be used to improve walking on ice or to slide on snow, only time will tell.

Thankyou for watching/reading

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12/20/2012 3:03 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
LpiazzaJ's Avatar
I like the 3D item improvement :)
12/21/2012 1:14 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Archer
tntcookie's Avatar
as do I :)
