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Creepers, Their story

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Aqua-lnferno's Avatar Aqua-lnferno
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Everyone knew about skeletons and zombies that time, they all knew what they did and how they fought, but after Classic 0.24 Survival Test ended a new mob was released in minecraft, No one knew what these mobs were, or how they looked like. Then blogs, and post were released on forums such as " I just got exploded when I was cutting a tree WTF happened! " Than finally a person saw this monstrous mob before dying, He hit the mob, and it gave a ssssss sound, and he exploded, but he learned what these thing were. Hostile Mobs, causing destruction.

The story starts here, above is the history or my story of the history of creepers.

"Dangit dude!" Aqua-lnferno says to Notch, "Why didn't we bring torches!". Notch replied "Oh, I forgot to get enough coal the other day, I fell asleep while mining, and woke up at night, and here we are mining, so why not get some coal?" Aqua-lnferno replies to Notch "Alright then hope those stupid zombies or skeletons don't kill us." Aqua-Inferno barely had enough charcoal to make both of them 1 Iron Sword, and 2 Iron Pickaxes, they both also had full leather armor, for killing the cows on Cow Island. They were now mining in a random mine looking for Iron, and possibly Diamonds. After a while they got 34 Iron, 17 coal, and 56 Redstone, but no diamonds.
After a while of some more walking they munched up two cooked porkchops, one person each, so they would not die in this mine and lose all their items, because of hunger. All of a sudden there was a light, lighter than a torch down under them, it was lava. They needed a way to get across to the other side, without falling into this dangerous liquid. Luckily Notch brought a water bucket with him, so Notch poured all of the water out on the lava making lots of smoke. About 10 seconds later, the lava turned into some purple stone, they didn't care about it, so they ventured forward putting a sign on the purple stone "This way!"
Than in the distance the dream of Aqua-lnferno came true. A light blue sparkling rock was about 17 blocks from them, Notch smiled to Aqua-lnferno, and said today is our lucky day, Aqua-lnferno smiled back to him. They ran to the diamonds and hit it with their Iron Pickaxes, there were about 6 ores, and they got 8 diamond, four for each person.(Sometimes Diamond Ores drop 2 Diamonds)
But who knew their luck wasn't as good as they thought. All they heard was SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, and Notch and Aqua-lnferno went back to their house, with their inventory gone, Aqua_lnferno said "Hey Notch what was that a new mob you invented, why didn't you tell me", Notch replied "I didn't invent that....., probably.. He invented it!" Aqua-lnferno said "Who is He......" Than Notch said gtg dude, I gotta go back to my laboratory in Minecraft Heaven, cya. Aqua-lnferno left the game after too.

The story of the creation of creepers

In the nether, there was a man known as HeroBrine, HeroBrine was the evil version of Steve. HeroBrine thought that there were too little Hostile Mobs and wanted to kill the players of minecraft, so he came up with an evil idea, why not put a four legged monster, so it could move faster, a Zombie brain, and a TNT heart? HeroBrine lauged "MUAHAHAHAHA", I am so smart! After about 2 minecraft years, the four legged, TNT hearted monster or what we call today the creeper was sent through the Nether Portal, back to the Overworld. The Creeper sneaks behind players, leaving an explosion to be remembered in the players head forever, more than 300,000 players died because of the creeper paradise in the Overworld.

Thanks for reading, this is my first story on PMC, so make sure if you appreciate my effort, put a diamond! :D
Enjoy, Aqua-lnferno

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by Aqua-lnferno 08/26/2012 8:50:50 amAug 26th, 2012

If you like make sure to diamond and suscribe!

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07/21/2012 8:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
seagull2666's Avatar
The creeper was meant to be a pig but when put into game it was stood up and weird so Notch and Jebb made the creeper, True Story, really im not lying
07/30/2012 9:31 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
Sorry for being mean, but I am trying to make a story, soo....
Anyways Thank you for teaching me that.
This is not sarcasm
07/21/2012 9:13 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
I know, but you see I am trying to make a story to entertain others, now they know the truth they don't really want to read anymore, dude. I appreciate you telling the true story.
07/20/2012 10:06 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
iDarkLoki's Avatar
this is really good :) i wish it was longer lol
07/20/2012 10:25 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
I will try to make my other stories longer, but their was not much more to write about, so I decided to stop, I will write more on my other stories, I hope you enjoyed it. I will try to improve. :D
07/20/2012 10:17 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
iDarkLoki's Avatar
i loved it :) cant wait to read your future stories
07/20/2012 10:38 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
I made another one featuring you and me :D
07/19/2012 4:21 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
Thanks guys for all your support!
07/19/2012 4:05 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
luckyboy22's Avatar
but i will still subscribe plz plz plz subscribe to me
07/19/2012 4:20 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
I will check out your stuff and probably suscribe, and diamond.
