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Enderman - Their Story

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Aqua-lnferno's Avatar Aqua-lnferno
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Tss! It's the sound almost every minecrafter heard before they were assasinated. Few known of this monster at that time. All they saw was purple, like tiny flower particles. The few people that knew this mob only saw its apperance, not it's ability. It was a black, about 3 blocks tall, and griefing mob. It would teleport into other's houses and steal everything valuable, just like raiding, but 10x faster, and 10x worser.
------The Story Starts Here------
"Yes your highness", said Enderman 1, "Oh and also, leave no humans behind, kill all of them!" Roared the king of enderman the "EnderDragon" "But, But...... Those humans are innocent", said Enderman 2. The EnderDragon took out its bloddy spiked teath, and ate up Enderman 2.

------In the Overworld------

"Woa", said Aqua-lnferno to his pet creeper,"Your pickaxe sure breaks quick","Ssssssure it does", said his pet creeper. Aqua-Inferno made friends with a creeper when he joined the overworld. A skeleton was bullying the creeper, and Aqua-lnferno took out his sword, and stabbed it into the skeleton's body. Right now Aqua-lnferno is mining some coal, and iron with his pet creeper. After about 2 hours of mining, they went back up the ladder, and closed the trapdoor, and went to sleep, they put their 21 iron onto the table, and Aqua-lnferno slept in his cozy bed, and the creeper slept in his cozy little hole with a torch, and a cake in it. They woke up the next day. Aqua-lnferno said,"Hey creeper, did you steal my iron?" "The creeper replied" No Aqua-lnferno, what happened." Aqua-lnferno replied," That is totally weird, is there a theif around here, if there was than why did he not kill me and take my inventory, cause I got 3 diamonds in here. Than they noticed purple flower-like particles on the ground, Aqua-lnferno asked his creeper,"What is this?" All the creeper said was," Uh, oh he isssss back." Aqua-lnferno kept asking Who?, Who is back. The creeper said, The Endermen!

------At the End------

"Thats all you got? 21 Iron?" said the EnderDragon, Enderman 1 replied," Yes your majesty, he had no more items."
The EnderDragon put the Endermen on fire, and said,"Next time you better do better than this!

------Back to the OverWorld------

The creeper explained everything about the endermen to Aqua-lnferno. Than a Tss! sound came at the door. "Please open the door", said Enderman 3. Than Aqua-lnferno opened the door, "Hi enderman said the creeper,"Please don't hurt Aqua-lnferno." "I am not here to hurt you, we need a rebellion on the EnderDragon, our king, he told us to do all those bad stuff, kill others, and steal things." said the Enderman 3, "Come with me to the End Portal, and we will kill the EnderDragon together, the whole Enderman Army has agreed with this idea, we have faith, and courage to win! "Ok, we will tell you when we are ready, you can live with us for now", said Aqua-lnferno. With 3 people mining, they got enough diamond to make diamond armor, and gave the other whole enderman army iron armor, everyone a diamond sword, and bow and 10 arrows each, After 16 days of preparing, they set off to the End Portal. They got to the mine with the stronghold, and figured how to get in. "This is what we call, Gangster Time", said Aqua-lnferno Aqua-lnferno put a TNT, and lit it up, told everyone to go back, and it opened right to the end portal. The Endermen took some extra Ender Eyes, and put it in the portal, than 100 Silverfish spawned, they also wanted to go too, so it was Aqua-lnferno, His pet creeper, both in diamond armor, and an enchanted diamond sword, 300 endermen with full iron armor, and one diamond sword, a bow, and 10 arrows, 100 silverfish in full gold armor, and one iron sword, 1 bow and 20 arrows, they all jumped in. It was the best time, because the EnderDragon was sleeping, they dug an underground base, filled it with food, and potions, so if some were hurt they still had time to heal.

------The Great War Begins!------
The EnderDragon woke up trapped in an obsidian box, he kept trying to break out and the obsidian was breaking one by one. The silverfish were told to shoot down the healers, so the EnderDragon wouldn't heal. The EnderDragon broke out and the silverfish all shot arrows and the Endermen and Aqua-lnferno, and his pet creeper in front charged, they broke off the dragon's left wing, and took the dragon down until the dragon died, the Endermen said thanks to Aqua-lnferno, and his pet, or friend creeper, and sent them back to the OverWorld, when they went through the portal a bunch of words showed up, and the creeper, and Aqua-lnferno's name were mentioned in the stories words, the Endermen will always remember we, the humans of minecraft, are always friendly, and helpful to mobs, even hostile ones.

-----Later in the end----- Suggested by smeetie2

Enderman 3: I wonder where endermen 2 and 1 are?
Enderman 4: They are dead.
Enderman 5: Lets take a break from the end and overworld!
Enderman 3: How about we goto the nether!
Enderman 4 and 5: OMG! Are you crazy!
Creeper: Not again...
Hostile Enderman: DIE!
Giant potato: Not today....
* Evil enderman dies*
Giant potato left the game
Steve: That was a close one.....
Creeper: Yup, thatssss for ssssure...
Hoard of Liveing tnt mutants: WTFBOOOOOMAHHH!
Steve ragequited
Creeper ragequited

Enderman 5: serously....
Enderman 4: Lets goto the nether... Really this time
Enderman 3 and 5: 0_0
Enderman 4: Enderman 5 lets do it for real and 3 i thought you agreed...

Thank you very much for looking at my story, hope you guys enjoy~
Thanks, combatloverz

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Aqua-lnferno 10/04/2012 3:14:33 amOct 4th, 2012

Added a part suggested by smeetie2

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10/05/2012 9:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Onyxlnfinity's Avatar
I think you should do a story on cows.But this story is pretty cool too.
09/28/2012 6:36 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pony
smeetie2's Avatar
And they still try to kill us.....

Later in the end (A.k.a When this comment was posted)....

Enderman 3: I wonder where endermen 2 and 1 are?
Enderman 4: They are dead.
Enderman 5: Lets take a break from the end and overworld!
Enderman 3: How about we goto the nether!
Enderman 4 and 5: OMG! Are you crazy!
Creeper: Not again...
Hostile Enderman: DIE!
Giant potato: Not today....
* Evil enderman dies*
Giant potato left the game
Steve: That was a close one.....
Creeper: Yup, thatssss for ssssure...
Hoard of Liveing tnt mutants: WTFBOOOOOMAHHH!
Steve ragequited
Creeper ragequited

Enderman 5: serously....
Enderman 4: Lets goto the nether... Really this time
Enderman 3 and 5: 0_0
Enderman 4: Enderman 5 lets do it for real and 3 i thought you agreed...
10/04/2012 3:12 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
Haha, Nice I'll add this to part of the story, and credit it by you. :D
07/31/2012 11:27 am
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Dave_the_Beast's Avatar
Epc like Cool
07/31/2012 9:40 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
Oh, ok Thanks
07/30/2012 8:22 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Dave_the_Beast's Avatar
07/30/2012 10:39 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
What do you mean?
07/30/2012 11:26 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
TheAlmightyLemon's Avatar
and its more of a.... kind of grunting noise if im not mistaken
07/30/2012 11:25 am
Level 32 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
TheAlmightyLemon's Avatar
worser aint a word tho but anyway nice story
07/30/2012 10:39 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Aqua-lnferno's Avatar
