This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Dragon Survivor, Mod Idea and Contest

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chubby's Avatar chubby
Level 22 : Expert Taco
This is a mod idea for a contest. The name of the mod could be called Dragon Survivor. The idea of the mod is a medieval town you spawn in the beginning. It is like a rpg minecraft map. You can get quest and "rare" weapons, consisting of the Screaming Sword, Shadow Blade, The Crimson Snow Blade , Forest Fire Sword, Jungle Destroyer, Plain Pain Blade, The End Eraser Blade, and finally The Desert Dimension Sword. Each bio will have a boss consisting of the Sword. It will be a 1 out of 5 chance to get the sword after killing the Boss. The Screaming Blade comes from the White Screaming Dragon within the Nether. The Shadow Blade is found in deep caves covered in mossy cobblestone. The boss for the Shadow blade is the Shadoris Dragon. The Crimson Snow Blade is found in snow bios, the dragon you must defeat is Excalibur. The Forest Fire Sword is found in the forest bio, the boss you must kill is Forestrio. Jungle Destroyer is found in the jungle, the dragon you have to kill is Jegorio. The Plain Pain Blade is found in the plain bio, you have to kill the Painstrono. Then, The End Eraser Blade is found in the end, the dragon you kill is named Endtrio. Finally, The Desert Dimension Sword is found in the desert, you have to kill the dragon Desertiano. All the swords and dragons will be the color of the bio they' re found in. The dragons can't escape the bio they are spawned in. Like a invisible forcefield. The dragons can only be spawned in the area they can be found in. Now let me tell you about the swords abilities. The Screaming Sword releases a powerful scream, sounding like a ghast. It kills all mobs from a 1 to 25 block range. The Shadow Blade would sound like a spider. It is able to turn day into night by right clicking. The Crimson Snow Blade sounds like snowballs being fired. It allows it to snow in any boom by right clicking. The Forest Fire Sword sets only trees within a 1 to 30 block radius on fire, needs to right click to activate. It sounds like a arrow firing. The Jungle Destroyer destroys trees in a 1 to 15 block range, needed to right click.. It sounds like tree leaves being broken rapidly. The Plain Pain Blade teleports you to the nearest village, you have to right click. The End Eraser Blade can teleport you anywhere, within a 10 to 150 block range, to do this you need to right click. The Desert Dimension Sword allows you to switch bios with right clicking. In a short summary all the swords are activated by right clicking. The dragons will have "servants" with them. It will spawn 10 to 20 default mobs when first encountered in battle.
That is all.

From, Chubby

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