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Feature: MLP inspired builders of PMC

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Kozume's Avatar Kozume
Level 39 : Artisan Pony


Some people participated in my MLP build contest earlier here on PMC, and Nov. 30th was the cutoff date. However, the post was removed due to breaching the rules as stated here:

"Stuff that should be in the forums: Contests, shops, questions, giveaways, subscriber celebrations, discussion, recruitment etc"

As such, the post was removed.

Also, some people, and I really do mean some as hardly anyone saw it. However, it occured to me that I could check my inbox for most of the submissions (I believe at least one was in the forum post, but that was deleted too and I can't check for that one). So to make the best out of the situation, I checked through my comments and picked out my favorite submissions. So here they are!

MLP inspired builders of PMC

  • First we have Aadel who entered into the build contest, and to be honest, I was impressed with their work. They've done a variety of builds that I can say were pretty amazing. They definitely deserve more attention than they're getting, along with plenty of other wonderful contributors.


  • Next up we have Ventusfreak, and while their build was never finished, I feel its pretty noteworthy. Their submission was a Princess Celestia which seems to be in progress, but they do in fact have a variety of other pony builds that caught my attention. My personal favorite of their's was Princess Cadence.


  • miss_creator submitted their 1272x1369 build (those chunks must take ages to load) of Pinkie Pie that looks incredibly adorable. Their art is pretty awesome and we seem to have been following each other's projects for a while.


So yeah, go check out their work and subscribe to them, you won't be disappointed!
CreditMine Little Pony (cover image), Aadel (image), Ventusfreak (image), miss_creator (image)

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12/03/2012 11:06 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Ventusfreak's Avatar
Thanks :D
12/03/2012 6:47 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Pony
Kozume's Avatar
:D /)
12/04/2012 10:05 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Ventusfreak's Avatar
