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Five server commands that make you rage.

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Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
I've decided to make a list for the most annoying server commands ever.

By ever, I mean like, they're gonna stay this way. as the most annoying.
(These vary from different plugins)

/smite - I have saw countless mods use smite and kill users. They would go to the verge of insanity screaming about how the mods suck and they don't deserve their title. It's real funny to watch them go crazy over the little thing

/bankrupt - Have you ever been on one of those fancy new servers with the new plugins, I have, and boy, have them the most annoying ever commands. Many people were banned from our teamspeak for screaming after being bankrupted by a mod.

/Nuke - We've all seen the TNT rain power given to the mods, it makes them literally killing machines. Whether it be on your brand new top notch dirt house, or on your mansion you've spent hours on, you will always yell when this kills you

/Spawnmob - Remember those ghasts that killed you in the over world when you were just building, your all like "WHAT THE FUZZLE" when you see it. This has got to be one of the most annoying commands ever, I mean, who wants 50 spiders waiting in your house to rape you?

/Ban - This is just about as bad as it gets. Whether it was illogical, or fair and square, this has got to be the most frustrating ever command. Your just building your house "U GRIFED ME LULZ" and all of a sudden, BAM, you sucked out of the server into the real world.

This has been

Five server commands that make you rage

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10/14/2012 11:49 am
Level 40 : Master Cake
tempban is another one.
10/14/2012 11:52 am
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
Tempban wasn't added because theres other commands MUCH more annoying
