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GGservers.net Review!

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MvpMaya__'s Avatar MvpMaya__
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Hi again!
This is going to be a review of the server hosting website GGservers.net. This is my opinion and I have not been paid in anyway to say anything in this post, totally my opinion.

Server Uptime
My server is almost 100% of the time up. But at times when it is down, it's usually player caused and has nothing to do with the host. Unfortunatley, I feel as if everytime I go to turn the server back on, the multicraft FTP never seems to be operational. I'm not very big on how servers work, so I have no idea if this has to do with the hosting or just with my server. (If you could leave a comment explaining I'd greatly appreciate it) Overall, when my server is up, it has no problems and works great. (9/10)

Customer Support

This hosting company has the best customer support I have ever talked to. They reply almost instantly and give you detailed answers explaining how to help you in anyway possible. The most they have taken to reply is around 17 hours. (10/10)

I have yet to find a server hosting company that beats GGservers' amazing prices, and still has amazing service. You can get your server started off so easily on the one gigabyte plan which costs only three US dollars monthly! Phenomonal service, great uptime, and low prices! (10/10)

Overall Score
GGservers is an amazing place to get your server. All their servers are very affordable, amazing customer service, and almost perfect server uptime. (10/10)

Well there's a review of GGServers.net. If you do plan on getting a server on this amazing website, can you please use this link so that I can get a little bit of a refferal bonus to help pay for my server. All the other links on this page are to the normal website. 

Thanks for reading!
P.S I know at the end I kinda went against my whole "not being payed for this" but I honestly did this whole review to share my opinion, I was not paid at all. I only wanted to put that referal link at the bottom because I showed you this company and you choose if you want to help me or not, I was not prepaid or anything.
CreditOwning a server.

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