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HydroGaming940's Avatar HydroGaming940
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
This is a blog about gta5 funnymoments that i have had and maybe about the game anyway one day i played gta 5 online and i was in my garage all of the sudden their was explosions around my garage and everyone in the lobby exept for me died but right after thay all died by "Gummy Bear" I went outside and their was a ufo around me that i could not see pastbut i tried aiming through my sniper and I could see through the ufo it was crazy  i cannot believe it happpend but it did i ended up turning off my ps3 because it got really annoying and the ufo crushed me a few times it killed me a few times but i got out of it in my world their it was life or death. In gta 5 it was really fun though to and that is just one of the many stories I have from playing gta 5 for years,
   One time when I was playing gta 5 I took a cargobob and oicked up a tank and brought it to the enterance of the military base and i blew up so many things but in the end i got blown up by another tank.Every once in a while  i steal a jet from the military  base you know you caan buy cops turn blind eye and go in the military base with no stars and steal a jet real quick anyway gta 5 if  you play it oneday then you will get your own stories and the gta 5 concept is like a real life adventure or something like that. everyon hs that moment when they are in the desert part with cjickens and you want chase and brutaly take them down well its all i think about just kidding but it is fun to kill cjickens in gand theft auto poop 5 just kidding gta 5

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10/29/2015 10:10 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
I reccomend adding commas, paragraphs and getting a friend to spellcheck.

Might make it easier to read~
10/28/2015 6:25 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
HydroGaming940's Avatar
Hope you all like my new blog i might make more one day
