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[Guide] Discord Server Setup

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Tannik's Avatar Tannik
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
A lot of people out there have plain discords. Here is a quick guide courtesy of Tannik Gaming Setups. Please diamond, and follow if you enjoy. Please comment if you would like another tutorial.

Section 1) How To Make A Discord Server: (Left Click)
Step 1: left click the button that is a circle with a plus symbol in it on the right side of the screen.
Step 2: you will see a screen open up infront of you, it will say Create A Server or Join A Server. You will want to create a server.
Step 3: The screen changed and now it will say have a little box that says "Enter A Server Name" left click it and type in your discord server name. Then the other 2 things you will see is insert a image for your discord server, that is optional, and the other one is the region of where your server is located, that is just to help out people to know what this server's language is. Again, that is also optional. Then once you are ready to create your discord server, click the Create button, it might take awhile to load.

Now you have successfully made your discord server.

Section 2) How To Create A Text Chat Channel: (Left Click)
Step 1: Around the top left of the screen you will see something that says "TEXT CHANNELS X" So click that and a little screen will come up asking you about the channel's name, enter the channels name of anything you want! Caps are not allowed in the name, only lower case letters and _ & - are allowed.
Step 2: Now that you have it created you now need to right click the channel and then left click "Edit Channel" Now a menu will pop up of different things you can do with this channel.
Step 3 - Options:
You can change the channel name by left clicking the channels name and changing it, you can aswell make this channel NSFW, which stands for "Not Safe For Work" And you can also add a small or long description to the channel that will show up at the top of this channel's chat! On the side of this menu you will see a list of things, click the permissions section.
Permissions: This is where you can make this channel private for some people and public for others. You can add certain people and ranks to it, so first you left click "ROLES/MEMBERS" and you will possibly see a list of roles and players, I will talk about that in Section 4. So you can add those and check what permissions you want that role or player to have.
Invites: this is a section where you can create invites to this certain text channel, thats all you need to know.
Webhooks: Discord's built in Webhooks function as an easy way to get automated messages and data updates sent to a text channel in your server. Think of them as one of those fancy pneumatic tube things you used to love sending money into at a bank and watch disappear, but instead of never seeing your money again, you're actually sending messages into Discord from another platform.

You have now successfully created a discord server and created a configured a text chat channel.

Section 3) How To Create A Voice Chat Channel: (Left Click)
Step 1: Near the "TEXT CHANNELS X" and it will say "VOICE CHANNELS X" So create a voice channel then right click the channel and click "Edit Channel" then a menu will come up and it will show the name, bitrates, and player amount, you can add emojis to the name like this one: 📢. You can aswell use anything you want, all caps, dashes, basicly anything, I recommend keeping the bitrate the same. You can change the amount of people that can join the voice channel, from anywhere from infanite, to 99.
Step 2 - Options:
This is where you can make this channel private for some people and public for others. You can add certain people and ranks to it, so first you left click "ROLES/MEMBERS" and you will possibly see a list of roles and players, I will talk about that in Section 4. So you can add those and check what permissions you want that role or player to have.
Invites: this is a section where you can create invites to this certain text channel, thats all you need to know.

You have now successfully created a discord server and created a configured a text chat channel, aswell as a voice chat channel.

Section 4) How To Create Roles And More!: (Left Click)
Step 1: At the top of your screen you will see a button that has the name of your server on it, left click that and it will open a section that has a list of menus, the first one is inviting people, thats basicly it for that section. Then server settings which is what I will be explaining in a second. Then notification settings, its pretty simple you just put in what alerts you want to get from this discord channel like mentions etc. Then there is privacy settings, all it does is if you want people from the discord to send you dirrect messages, thats it. Then there might be a button called change nickname, depends on if you have a role that allows you to do that.
Step 2: Left Click the Server Settings button, then you will see a list of options, I will go over them now.
Step 3 - Options:
From this menu you can change the image of this discord server, you can also change the name, region, and set an AFK channel. You aswell can set if you want people to get alerts on everything from this channel, or just mentions.
Moderation: Here you can select the type of verification level you want, choices:
None - Unrestricted
Low - Must have a verified email on their Discord account.
Medium - Must also be registered on Discord for longer than 5 minutes.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ - Must also be a member of this server for longer than 10 minutes.
Explicit Content Filter:
Don't scan any messages - Ain't no party like my grandma's tea party.
Scan messages from members without a role - Recommended option for servers that use roles for trusted membership.
Scan messages sent by all members - Recommended option for when you want that squeaky clean shine.
Audit Log: A new feature on discord, its like some sort of security system that you can see what people have done in the past.
Roles: This is the section that was needed for Section 2 and Section 3. You can click "ROLES" To create a new role, then on the side you can change their permissions of doing and seeing things, and the name and color are optional for this section.
Intergrations: In this section you can connect your Twitch, Youtube, Twitter, and Reddit accounts with discord.
Emojis: This area is for adding custom emojis players can use in chat, like a logo for a brand or company of some sort, or just some funny play emoji you can use.
Webhooks: Discord's built in Webhooks function as an easy way to get automated messages and data updates sent to a text channel in your server. Think of them as one of those fancy pneumatic tube things you used to love sending money into at a bank and watch disappear, but instead of never seeing your money again, you're actually sending messages into Discord from another platform.
Widget: You can enable and disable server widgets and this is where you can invite people to certain channels instantly, so you can experiment with that. I do not need to explain it.
Members: In this section you can mute, change nicknames, kick, ban, can roles, aswell as give ownership of the server to other players if you are the owner of the server in the first place.
Invites: You can see a list of all the active links from your channel that have been used.
Bans: This is the area you can see all the banned users from your server.
Delete Server - You can delete your server completely

This Is The Test Discord That I used to make this guide!
Click ME!
CreditMysticAsian Discord Tannik

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05/06/2018 2:08 pm
Level 1 : New Network
xEthereal's Avatar
Currently attempting to link my Discord to my profile. I keep getting an "invalid value" error. Any help?
08/23/2017 6:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc2412484's Avatar
07/21/2017 5:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kowabunga2's Avatar
meh I prefer TS3 over Discord but thats just me :p
07/21/2017 4:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Pokern_'s Avatar
Very helpful
06/01/2017 11:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
xPvPxKiller123's Avatar
I like discord, but they go down too much
05/25/2017 5:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Timecrafter435's Avatar
05/25/2017 2:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxAVereAXx's Avatar
Discord is the best tool for communication now, and I am thankful you made this. My community will thrive now
05/25/2017 2:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lightninggawdjpd's Avatar
wat about skyep?
05/14/2017 4:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MightyGamerplayz's Avatar
this is an awsome company
05/15/2017 7:49 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
Tannik's Avatar
