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Herobrine is real!!! evidence in this blog!!!

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Tails1159011590's Avatar Tails1159011590
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
This article is about Herobrine, as experienced players know, he stalks you and tries to kill you.
We will discuss about evidence, true or false, and most importantly, Herobrine himself!
But! Mojang always say that he is removed, but he may not be!
Listen to yourself, and ask yourself, is he real?
Read, Question, and answer! Don't be shy!

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12/05/2015 11:11 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Ruddyswordman2's Avatar
Wow wow wow. Hang on, I know if herobrine is real or not and i know how he is created. If you want to find out about this just msg me on planet minecraft.
02/10/2015 2:19 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Raphezarov's Avatar
well...i never see him
but there is a mod called herobrine mod
12/22/2014 10:36 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Nethergirl83's Avatar
herobrine is by far confirmed fake lolol
03/08/2014 7:11 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
Tails1159011590's Avatar
03/02/2014 7:32 am
Level 34 : Artisan Farmer
Eyefeatheristic's Avatar
impressive tails
01/01/2014 1:23 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Russell_stAr_5's Avatar
i know of a server that has the real Herobrine on it. dont believe me? heres the IP blazingvortex.servegame.com they did have a plugin but the first time i joined i asked them if the plugin was supposed to do things that it was, they said this stuff has never happenned and the server was 2 months old when i joined so they knew what the plugin does/doesnt do. He targeted me at firs, doing things like saying "you are next!" and other such things to me. then, i was teleported to a random area far away from were i was, i was moving on my own, and faster than any player can sprint. i was very confused, i couldnt look up, i couldnt move myself, then i saw one of those iron door traps right in front of me. i tried to run but got teleported inside. a while before this, i got my cam-corder and began recording. so here i am trapped in this iron door trap, and i looked up and saw him. to describe what he looks like, the traditional white eyes, nametag said Herobrine exactly like that, he was not smiling like he appears to in some videos, he had the straight Steve mouth. his arms did not stick out like a zombie, they remained at his side. he was literally the Steve skin with white instead of purple in his eyes. after looking at him for about a second he disapeared, leaving behind smoke. (at this point im repeating to myself "oh sh#t, oh holy sh#t") then i saw him again, this time, he circled the trap several times before disapearing again. then, he appeared right up against the trap, and disapeared. after him not appearing for a few seconds, i broke the pressure plate keeping me in and escaped to a nearby friend. when i tried to mine to him (he was underground a ways) my exit was closed be what i expected to be bedrock, but instead was cobblestone. this part scared me the most, i then saw myself, same skin, nametag and everything, staring at me. then "i" disapeared. then i saw him standing in front of me in the darkness of the small hole i had dug, i went to right in the messages, "what do you want from me?" when i saw him place a redstone torch on the wall, stare at me, then, remove the torch and disapear. the cobblestone locking me in disapeared as well. then i left out of the hole.

so, its a few minutes later and all of us are finally toghether, in a "bunker" of sorts, when i see blue-grey swirls (from an invisibility potion) floating in front of me. then i saw him standing in fron of me, when i got the others attention, he vanished. then, we all stood, staring at "me" the me that Herobrine had used from copying my body and using that copy. one of my friends comments "umm...". earlier i saw in the message box I AM SATAN!!! i had never even entered the chat box. (Russellinfinite5 is my nametag) i tried to tell the others, but they did not believe me until they saw this fake "me" in front of them. i put in a teasing "I TOLD YOU HE TOOK MY BODY" and we all began to panic. after being teleported to "the notify region" (herobrines castle) we all walked around and found a graveyard, all of the names were of other people who had been there, but our names werent there, we saw one grave labeled "your next" and another that had Notch's head on it and said "Notch". we found another one with a hole in it that led to a cave, i the cave was a trap that had flowing water that would push you into a bunch of caci on the floor below, we made it accross and found a chest with what was supposed to represent this players (the one whos grave we were in) body. almost immediately after looking, i saw ther screen that looks like a dirt background and on the screen it said: "Sorry. The server has crashed do to player: {Herobrine}" after reading that, ironically, my cam-corder ran out of memory. that was the first part... and it was all real, the real Herobrine, a real server, A TRUE STORY!
Give a diamond, like, subscribe, whatever...

12/20/2013 4:43 am
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
Tails1159011590's Avatar
Sure as the luck of a zombie
Mechanic Wacko
11/25/2013 7:21 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Mechanic Wacko's Avatar
Are u sure?
11/11/2013 3:12 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
Tails1159011590's Avatar
Evidence that herobrine is haunting/stalking you, to stop part of it, play in multiplayer. Herobrine doesn't go in multiplayer worlds.
Mechanic Wacko
11/10/2013 11:49 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Mechanic Wacko's Avatar
I had an experience, yesterday while I was working on my new server, I. Saw some ones foot path and I thought some on teleported to me or to spawn when I know I turned my teleportation off and spawn was set to the arcade. I looked again and I saw him, I would have took a snapshot but he vanished before I got a chance. I even checked my plugins folder and my server doesn't allow mods so.
