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Herobrines mansion by Hypixel

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Betterfasterstronger's Avatar Betterfasterstronger
Level 8 : Apprentice Mage
There are two words for this map. Jesus christ. The amount of work which went into it is simply dumbfounding. Its an incredible example of the new command blocks. I mean he managed boss mobs which say things in chat and all that jazz. Which to be honest I wouldn't have even the slightest idea how to do. The guy is seriously talented. I've heard his new sonic map is amazing too although I have yet to see it. My friend munsterman (check him out)Was talking to him on the forums while the map was in progress. He even let him have a tour of the place before even the yogscast played it. Because of this I got some sneak peaks but I could never have even thought of how good it would turn out. If you have yet to play this map trust me it is well worth a blast.
CreditThanks to Hypixel for an amazing map and to Munsterman for bringing it to my attention.

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05/11/2014 3:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Kendrocity's Avatar
what if i told you there should be pictures :)
