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How to be a Good Server Member

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PinkDaleks's Avatar PinkDaleks
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter

"How to be a Good Server Member (and more likely to be ranked)

Warning: This is a bit ranty.

I've been on a lot of servers on my time playing Minecraft, and I've found that there are a lot of jerks, especially on PvP servers. Today, I'm going to share my opinion on how to be a good server member, and more likely to rank up. Please diamond or favorite if you agree with what I say, and a subscription is most apprieciated.


  1. Rules of Thumb
    (The most obvious) Follow the server's rules. This may seem simple, but believe me, there are so many people that don't even follow the simple rules, like "NO GRIEFING OR BAN." Gosh, some people, I just can't understand.

  2. Don't kill on sight. On PvP servers, there are always the people who have full diamond everything, and kill every single thing they see, to "prove" they are good. Most people will just hate you, especially if you give excuses.

  3. Don't use X-ray texture packs. No one will like you. Same goes with X-ray mods, which are even worse. Admins will ban you if they find out, just because it's unfair.

  4. Build nice things. You will probably be considered a noob if you build a little cube house out of wooden planks. No one likes a noob, so avoid being one.

  5. Have a nice skin. If you have a troll or a naked guy skin, you are likely to be everyone's least favorite person, even if you don't do anything wrong. It's just not cool.


  1. Concerning the Chat
    Don't spam. It may seem simple, but you can do it without meaning to. Most things I am about to say about chat are considered a form of spam. Just don't do it.

  2. Cussing is evil. No one likes a cusser. If someone cusses in all of their sentences, people will be asking for someone to mute them. There are also a lot of 8 year old Minecrafters, so be aware.

  3. Don't complain. If someone kills you, avoid cussing them out, or going "AAAAwwwww!!!!!!! seriusly dud!?!?!?!? god, som ppl!!!!!! >:( >:(" or any variation of that.

  4. At least try to use proper spelling/grammar Many times I find myself wondering what the heck some people are saying. And please use proper punctuation. Saying "dud i totaly just ownd a skeliton!!!!!!!!" has about 6-8 mistakes in it. This is one of the things that annoys my face off.

  5. Don't abuse the lolz. Some people I know of say "lol" after every single thing someone says that is funny. It fills up the chat, and is rather childish, especially if you abuse exclamation marks. People seem to love ending each and every sentence with "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!1!!!," !!?!?!?!?!?!??," and !!!!!111!!!!!111111?????!!?!?!?!??." That's just not likable.

  6. Never advertise your server, website, or account on youtube/PMC/twitter or anything. People want to play on the server, not look for new ones. That's what PMC is for.

  7. If you just joined a server, and you don't think it's all that great, or you just are in a bad mood, don't ever spam with "server sucks" over and over again. Just leave. It's polite.

  8. If you feel you need caps, usually you shouldn't, because it's against the rules. Instead, you can try to caps one word, but not the rest. It's annoying, and makes you look nooby.

  9. Be respectful. Never be a hater when it comes to racism, sexism, and homosexuals. These are things that you should never discuss on Minecraft, especially if you are bashing someone. A person who is calling a person a "ni****" should be banned immedietly, in my opinion.

  10. THE GOLDEN RULE: Use Common Sense. Don't argue over silly things, don't have game sex, don't be dramatic, and be nice. Life will be simpler.


Misc & Stuff

  1. Be friendly. Answer someone's question if you know the answer, and don't argue with someone you know is wrong.

  2. Don't ask stupid questions. Read everything the server has for you, and check the chat before asking to see if someone has asked the same thing recently.

  3. Don't build bad things. Never make a nazi sign or houses shaped like anything vulgar. This will reflect onto you, and no one will enjoy your company.

  4. Never grief. Even if it is allowed, it's not nice, and the person you griefed will grief you. No one wants this. This goes for trolling too. Trolling should never include any form of stealing or griefing. Keep it light.

  5. Don't ask for ranks. It's annoying, and makes you less likely to get the rank you want.

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08/06/2012 3:59 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
demonicmuffins's Avatar
Nice job.
08/06/2012 4:03 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
demonicmuffins's Avatar
I know this sounds nooby, but how do you do that "+" expanding thing, and how do you add pictures to that?
08/06/2012 4:06 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
PinkDaleks's Avatar
It's a spoiler thing.
08/06/2012 3:28 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Batman
smanrt's Avatar
nice tutorial plz check out my blogs and sub if you like thx. diamonded
08/06/2012 2:32 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
PinkDaleks's Avatar
Sorry if it seems a bit rantish. :)
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