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How to be powerful on a factions server

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KO_Moron_[x_x]'s Avatar KO_Moron_[x_x]
Level 24 : Expert Goblin
There are lots of servers with the faction plugin. This is NOT how to hide your base, this is how to be powerful. Plenty of people want to have a powerful faction that controls the others, so here are some tips.

Step one: (duh) get a faction. Maybe you'll create your own faction, or maybe that costs too much in-game currency. If you can't make your own faction, you can either get what you need to make one or gain control of another faction. I mean get someone to make you the leader of their faction. I really don't know how to convince someone to give you their faction, but maybe you're more creative than I am. Once you have a faction, make sure you have only one piece of land and then move on to step two.

Step two: make a base. This may seen obvious, but here's something you should know (if you got someone else's faction, you might already have a base). For someone to raid you (without being a member of your faction) they have to claim the land your base is on (if you claimed that land). Whether or not someone can do this depends on your land/power ratio. It never hurts to have a lot of "power" (you get it for not dieing for a certain amount of time). The faction's "power" is the sum of the power of it's members. Having lots of members is good. But if you have more claimed land then you have power, any yahoo can raid you. Many times I've tried to claim land out from under someone, only to have mc say "so-and-so owns this land and is strong enough to keep it". I'd often think, "Wha?! I have more power than them!!!" I discovered later that that was because they were a tad smart and either knew what I know or stumbled into unraidability. This makes sense. Try to never claim more than one or two chunks of land in case you lose a lot of power in a war with someone. Make sure that you have a lot of chests on your land btw, so that you can store what you get from raiding. Don't make a lousy dirt, cobble, and/or sand base. Do EVERYTHING in your power to make an awesome base. People want to join a faction that has a great base (everyone needs a place to escape the monsters). Also, lots of servers forbid inside griefing (where someone joins a faction and, since they can alter the base, use their membership to grief the faction base). If the server you're on is one of these, then you can let anyone join your faction. The worst they can do is sell the coordinates of your base. If you have followed my advice, odds are that even if someone did that you can't be raided. Sure, someone can come to the coordanates and kill you, but there are many ways to get outside. You could set your own home somewhere far from the faction base. By letting everyone in, you seem open and kind. The more you trust others, the more they trust you.

This is, as far as I know, all the advice I have to give on this topic. I hope it helped you become powerful and successful on a server. If you liked this and/or it helped, please give it a diamond. The more diamonds I get, the more often I'm inclined to write on planetminecraft. Thank you for reading this.

Update: I missunderstood the guy who told me about the land power ratio. I updated this a second time, and it should be good now. Btw, someone could eradicate your base if TNT/lava and firespread is enabled on the server, so make your base out of non-flamable/explodable materiels.
CreditThe leader of that faction LoneAvatar on the server ophion.cc told me about how the power thing works

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06/07/2014 10:21 pm
Level 24 : Expert Goblin
KO_Moron_[x_x]'s Avatar
PLEASE give this a diamond, I got 197 views on this thing, 4 on the day I post this comment. Why has only 1 person (aside from me) diamonded this? You could at least point out my mistakes/why you don't want to diamond this. I mean come on.
02/15/2014 9:14 pm
Level 24 : Expert Goblin
KO_Moron_[x_x]'s Avatar
If you have any ideas for future posts you won't be using, please pm them to me. I'm always looking for new post ideas :D .
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