Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to change the music in minecraft [1.7.9]

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Level 16 : Journeyman Nerd
This is how to change the music on your music discs.

Step 1. Get the Sound Mod Enabler. Open it with winRAR or winZip and drag the lone .class file into minecraft.jar (Roaming/.minecraft/bin/minecraft). IMPORTANT: Delete the file called 'META-INF' in your .jar file.

Step 2. Go to this OGG converter. Click 'Browse...' choose your music file, toggle the 'Normalise audio:' box and click convert. This may take several minutes.

Step 3. Go to your .minecraft folder and go to 'Streaming'. Choose a file (eg. 'chirp.mus') and delete it. Drag your converted music from Step 2 into 'Streaming' and rename it whatever you just deleted (eg. 'chirp' (but not 'chirp.mus')).

And that is it. Just keep repeating Steps 2 & 3 until you've converted everything.

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10/21/2012 11:18 am
Level 38 : Artisan Demolitionist
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! IT'S AWESOME!!! I changed cat into Gangnam Style xD
