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How to find a good server

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SoulStealer's Avatar SoulStealer
Retired Moderator
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
This blog is for both people searching for servers and for people looking to start a server.

In this blog today I will discuss the following things:
  1. What makes a server good?
  2. How to find a good server?
  3. Do you like the plugins?
  4. Do you like the community of the server?
  5. What to do if you want to stick around and hopefully gain a high rank
  6. What not to do if you don't like the server

What makes a server good?

It depends on your taste on servers whether they are survival or creative, what plugins they use and so on. Personally I enjoy servers that are survival, no PvP, great anti-grief protection and a great community. Plugins usually make a server quite enjoyable, you get to experience new plugins sometimes and learn new things but some plugins can make a server become a flop and too many plugins can make the server lag or even crash. The community can also make the server enjoyable. If you all get along (which I know won't happen 100% of the time.) it can make it a pleasurable experience to be on that server and you might end up on there for a while and being dedicated to it. The staff can also make an affect on the community and the server. The staff need to be strict but somewhat fun and probably should interact with the members of the server to make it an enjoyable experience. For people who want to start up a server: servers with Non-Pvp and PvP worlds and Creative and Survival worlds are usually popular because all types of players can get a choice and if they get tired of the gamemode they can change it without switching server.

How to find a good server?

Look through the Top 100 on Planet Minecraft and you might find your dream server. If not use the search bar option to narrow down the search or ask in the Server Hall on chat and list certain plugins you are looking for in a server.

Do you like the plugins?
If you don't find the plugins that you wanted on a server you like, try suggesting to the staff some plugins and if they get enough suggestions they might add it.

Do you like the community on the server?
If not just leave the server and don't make a fuss about it.

What to do if you want to stick around and hopefully gain a high rank
Simply do not ask for high ranks on the first day. If you follow the rules and stay on for a long period of time you might get there some day, if not don't make a big fuss about it since that will make it worse.

What not to do if you don't like the server
  1. Post bad things about the server on PMC
  2. Don't spam their chat
  3. Don't spam our chat about how terrible that server is
  4. Just don't complain about the server to us on PMC

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11/24/2012 11:26 am
Level 24 : Expert Architect
kevin200's Avatar
Hi I'm kevin200 of the pokemon world and I've already finished my world but it is a too large file
10/04/2012 9:02 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Amra's Avatar
Now I wonder what the heck would an expert toast actually look like....
10/11/2012 2:52 pm
Level 44 : Master Batman
Flyinpig5's Avatar
10/11/2012 3:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Amra's Avatar
Ohhhhhhh...... : /
09/30/2012 7:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
creeperslayer672's Avatar
yo dude i was in the server hall i saw it why you kick me dude
09/30/2012 7:49 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
SoulStealer's Avatar
PMC Chat was glitched for me it said I was in the Lobby.
09/30/2012 6:24 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Lolisher95's Avatar
Nice. Another great blog.
09/29/2012 7:43 am
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
Unnatural's Avatar
nice, simple but good
