Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to get Recognised on Planet Minecraft

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Retired Moderator
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe


Welcome one and all to another tutorial (or blog, whichever way you look at it) and today I'm going to be talking to you about getting recognised on Planet Minecraft. Not getting diamonds or views, but getting recognised. This means when senior staff, staff or high-level members actually acknowledge who you are and your content.


No matter what your content is, whether it be a project, texture pack, skin or more importantly a blog, writing is the quintessential element to your post. In a project, a well written explanation or analysis of your project will beat a "hi this is a castle, diamonds plz and favs". If you are writing a blog or a tutorial then a well written paragraph using correct English will immediately get you classified as a good writer. An example...


If you want to impress even more than you can use extensive vocabulary with words like tumultuously, paramountly and superfluously. Obviously there are other words but those are some of the 'elite'.


Another key element to getting recognised is by having a signature presentation style or even just a great way to show things off. A good example of a spaced out presentation style that clearly points users to where they want to go is the one I'm using in this blog. I've used clear and distinct separating graphics that pop out and immediately tell the viewer what the next section is about.

A great thing to do is to spend a little extra time making your readers' experience easier. I try to highlight words that are important and that reflect the essence of the blog. I'll bold the most important words, underline the slightly less important words and italicise the silly/inaccurate words. A lot of people don't like reading through huge blocks of text so this makes things easier for them.

Integrating any graphics that can interact with the text helps too to keep your readers interested and active.



Another way to get your name out there is to interact with not only your audience, but also the general Planet Minecraft Community (PMC). You can either stay active on the forums or another great way to get to know new people is through the brilliant chat.

The chat is moderated by some incredible people (Ragnur Le Barbare, Jesuitical, DancingWalrus, Dollars, Bethamez, just to name a few) and populated by fun and quirky members. You'll always find good people to talk to on there and also if you are helpful and kind and funny then they too will start to recognise you as you stay active.

You could also ask for viewer feedback and somehow involve your viewers in your posts maybe by doing a showcase or even a simple contest.


I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial on getting recognised on Planet Minecraft and I hope it helps.
Diamond, Favourite and Subscribe

if you enjoyed the post :)
CreditRagnur_Le_Barbare, Jesuitical, DancingWalrus, Dollars, Paril, Vrej

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09/14/2012 12:41 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Hehe look the avatar I use is here in the main frame ^_^

oik oik :@)
09/08/2012 12:33 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
I gave it a diamond, I subscribed, and I favourited :D

Your Welcome!
09/05/2012 4:23 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Taco
Brilliant! diamonded and subbed :)
09/06/2012 12:38 am
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
Thanks :)
08/30/2012 11:11 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Dragon
this is very true.
09/06/2012 12:37 am
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
08/29/2012 2:58 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
I agree with the bolding of words, however you italicize words to indicate emphasis. Example: "You never said we had to!" or "You never said we had to!" What's the difference? The italics on the word 'had' is to show emphasis, or more stress on the word. But I still awarded you a diamond because it was a very well-written blog. And yes, using a plethora of unique vocabulary words is exciting!
08/29/2012 4:04 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Scribe
I think show more emphasis. If I want stress I'll usually bold and italicise it. Thanks :). Thats a great word.
08/29/2012 5:01 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
Whatever floats your boat! I still think you're the best blogger on PMC...
08/29/2012 9:15 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Archer
Basically your saying how to be posh
