Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to get to the FarLands EASILY TRUE!

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Retired Moderator
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
OK so this is how to get to the farlands easily ;)

FIRST:Install singleplayer commands.

SECOND: type /t 12550820 140 0 *make sure your flying while doing this.*

or type /t 12550820 140 12550820 *again make sure flying...BECAUSE U MIGHT FALL! and dieing should be forbidden in the farlands X_X*

BUT This could crash your computer if it is really slow.

So if you has a slow computer DONT DO THIS IT MIGHT CRASH! Unless you were going to buy a new one any way :P

Though sometimes it wont crash.And faster computers shouldnt crash *I hope*

Well good luck in the farlands.Get ready to face EXTREME lag :P

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08/27/2011 4:01 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
the second one works best!!
