Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to go to Far Land [All Version][Work]

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Emerald Seeker MC
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
hello guys.

maybe, many of you already know 'bout " Far Land "

Far Land is end of map at minecraft,
you can find old Far Land at minecraft under old-beta 1.8 version..

you can also find it at any version *1.5; 1,6; 1.7*
but, it different with the old one.

you can reach far land with coordinate
X Y Z = 29999999 Y 29999999
The Far Land is at
X Y Z = 30000000 Y 30000000
to play it at another version.. play at 1.5 first, and play 1.6 after it

if you want see the far land more specific, you need unflat biome *Extreme Mountain, Taiga, etc*
i got the Forest biome..

anyway. lets check it out.

what you see here is 1.5 + Far Landsloading

you can see the divider between the Tree with the next land.. the land next the divider its called Far Landloading

the different Far Land with Over World is you can't walk at Far Land *except flying*
you will automatically drop beneath grass if you stand on Far Landloading

and there will be no any entities at Far Land *no any tree at Forest biome*loading

I try to play at 1.7 and it still work. but you can't go trought the Divider between Far Land and OverWorld. even you try to teleport to coordinate X Y Z = 30000000 Y 30000000, will make an error command


But i found something interesting.. you try to place water/lava at Far Land divider, will occur a static water and lava.


You can see the specific divider at sea.. the land under the water at Far Land is full of Dirt


F.A.Q :
Q = why the Far Land doesn't look like the old one
A = Notch has fixed it at Beta 1.8

Q = is it lag ?
A = the new Far Land doesn't make any lag

Q = Can we build at Far land
A = No.

Q = What happen if we keep exploring the Far Land
A = The World will keep generating..

Q = how to past the Divider
A = Play minecraft 1.5 and try.. *work on me*

Q = What happen if we drop item at Far Land ?
A = the iteam will lost

Q = So the Far Land is infinity ?
A = i think so

Q = Why there is no entities at Far Land ?
A = i dunno. :3

Q = How to find old Far Land ?
A = there is no ways to find old Far Lands

anyway.. thx for read again
your diamond and comment will really appreciated


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Emerald Seeker MC 12/13/2013 12:48:44 amDec 13th, 2013

More info and adding F.A.Q

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12/15/2013 4:41 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
lol, im the lowest level in pmc now,
help me and download my map
12/13/2013 5:55 am
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
I take that English isn't your first language, or else you're six?
12/15/2013 4:39 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
i'm not from us neither uk
Emerald Seeker MC
12/13/2013 6:49 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
english not my first language ._.

01/06/2014 7:18 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
English was not my first language either :L I'm not the best, but I think it's safe for me to say that I'm not half bad at it .-. it's not exactly about whether or not it's your first language, I think
12/13/2013 4:11 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
but will it gone to the sea, not placed but just drop it

anyway can u give me the seed?
Emerald Seeker MC
12/13/2013 4:22 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
i have no idea what happen.. i think the item will just drop.

there is no special Seed for Far Land.. every generated map have far land. just create a world and go to that coordinate ^^

12/13/2013 3:42 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner

what happened when u put a item at the land of the far land?
Emerald Seeker MC
12/13/2013 3:46 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
the block will not visible. but you will hear a block placed

