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How to increase FPS on a Laptop (1.8 ONLY)

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Notches_Friend's Avatar Notches_Friend
Level 20 : Expert Hunter


Have you ever had minecraft lag? Has it ever been below 30 fps? Do you experience Lag spikes or freezes upon playing on single player or servers? If you do, then this blog Is going to help you speed up minecraft on your laptop!

Dealing with lag is not a taskingly hard project, but may require some extra programs to improve minecraft, and over all processes on your PC!
What you will need is:

-Your slow laptop
-Your laggy minecraft
-Razer Game booster (See below for download)
-magic launcher (See below for download and details)
-8x8 texture pack (see below for download)

See? Hardly anything at all!

Using magic launcher
Now that you have everything you need, let me teach you how to speed up your preformance on Minecraft
Firstly, use magic launcher. If you dont know what it is, It is essintally a minecraft launcher that makes installing mods easy! There are no jars on it unless you've played the version you want in the launcher in the normal launcherI can not tell you how important it is that you load the version you want to play (i.e 1.8) in normal launcher or else it wont show up in the magic launcher set-up page.
     Now once you get magic launcher, click set-up and click on advanced right below where it says "minecraft.jar" and on the advanced tab, change the memory to at least 100 (default is 356 i think) or LOWER, so more less is allcolated to minecraft. This may slow down other processes but is "worth it" if all you do is play minecraft with a browser open or  a program open.
     Make sure you click ok after making the changes, and press the log in button after you signed in on the magic launcher. That is all you need to do for the magic launcher step. Adding ram to minecraft wont help any, and make it worse!
For quad core pc's
Here is a part that is not made for people who are new to windows, but really helps alot. you Must have a quad core computer. if you dont, skip this step. in this step, you are going to make minecraft run in only 2 cores, insetad of all four. I am not sure why this helps, but I found it to boost my preformance! Firstly, put "CTRL+ALT+DEL" to get to task manager. Click processes and find javaw.exe. right click it and click set affinity. Choose the LAST TWO CORES on your computer and apply the changes. That is all for this step!
Minecraft Video Settings!
Here is the most important step of them all, so read this carefully. With minecraft open, go to your video settings and configure the following:

-Graphics: FAST
-Smooth Lighting: OFF
-Render Distance: 2-7 CHUNKS
-Max Framerate: UNLIMITED
-View Bobbing: OFF
-Clouds: OFF
-Particals: MINIMAL
-Use VSync: OFF
-Fullscreen: (TEST WITH ON AND OFF)

Those gave me so much more fps! (over 30 more fps)

Try an 8x8 texture pack!
Sure this may look a little different, but try an 8x8 texture pack!
They include less pixel rendering, thus making minecraft just a little faster than a more hd, 16x16 texture pack!
I recommend SimpleJCraft 8x8! Just use PMC's search bar and type SimpleJCraft 8x8 1.8 in and you can find it easier

Use Razer Game Booster!
Close any process with Razer game booster! Speeds up my game really fast! It really helps!
www.razerzone.com/cortex/game-booster You need an accout though but this program helps alot!

Thank you for reading this blog! I hope you got your fps boosted (Cause i sure did [I went from  20fps to 130fps]) Please Diamond and Comment if you thought this was a useful guide to you! KEEP YOUR EYE OUT FOR OPTIFINE 1.8 TO GET EVEN MORE FPS  :D


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10/16/2014 5:57 am
Level 39 : Artisan Geek
Danielv123's Avatar
Yay! Using this I went from 80 to 3700 FPS!
10/17/2014 8:23 am
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Notches_Friend's Avatar
xD hope you did :3
10/17/2014 5:11 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Geek
Danielv123's Avatar
I did.
10/15/2014 9:43 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pony
TheDiam0ndCreeper's Avatar
*sigh* An 8x8 texture pack isn't actually 8x8, it's 16x16 but the pixels are 2 pixels by 2 pixels. Having an 8x8 texture pack does nothing. Unless you have optifine it isn't actually 8x8
10/15/2014 9:47 pm
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
Yep, same for the larger-pixel skins. It's just larger areas of the same colour to make the resolution appear smaller.
10/15/2014 10:20 pm
They/Them • Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
BIO's Avatar
Skins yes, texturepacks no. 8x8 texturepacks actually have 8x8 textures, trust me ik.
Yes it's perfectly possible.
Whether it improves speed or not is a completely different subject.
10/16/2014 9:59 am
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Notches_Friend's Avatar
that is also why i put this in the blog if you read it..  "Adding ram to minecraft may or may not work for you but try it and see if it helps you."
10/16/2014 9:54 am
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Notches_Friend's Avatar
well if it's a matter or if it works (which i did for me) then dont post that comment on my page... ironic isnt it?
10/16/2014 10:57 pm
They/Them • Level 50 : Grandmaster Network Architect
BIO's Avatar
I was talking about using and 8x8 texture pack xd
adding RAM definetly does help.
10/17/2014 2:37 pm
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Notches_Friend's Avatar
oh sorry for dat then :(
10/16/2014 6:53 am
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
Isn't only possible using plugin-like things for graphics? (like what TheDiam0ndCreeper said, Optifine?)
