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how to install zombe mod pack on a mac

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fireypheonex's Avatar fireypheonex
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
1. download it at Download Zombeo s Mod Pack for Minecraft 1.0

2. go into library/application support/minecraft/bin.

3. there should be a file called minecraft.jar. rename it to minecraft.zip then unarchive it (for you n00bs out there it means open it)

4. then a folder should appear called minecraft. change it to minecraft.jar.

5.go back to the zombe mod pack folder and there should be a folder inside of that called classes.open it.

6.copy all of the folders inside of classes and paste them all into minecraft.jar.

7. in minecraft.jar, ther is a file called META-INF. trash it.

8.now go to library/application support/minecraft and create a new folder called mods.

9. inside of that folder make a new one and name it zombe. not zombie but zombe Z-O-M-B-E

10.go into your zombe mod pack folder and now copy all of the items in config and place them in zombe.

11.now open up config.txt and scroll down until it says enable flying =(then type yes)

12.it should also give you controls and you can just edit those all you want.

13. run minecraft!

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01/05/2012 6:28 pm
Level 48 : Master Goblin
Dutch-Ghost's Avatar
Worked thanx but do you know How to spawn mobs or create a spawner? There are recipes but i coulnd find anythinh
