Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to let people from other networks join your LAN game! [1.3+]

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Level 40 : Master Creeper Hugger
This tutorial was fully made and tested using Windows 7, results may vary for those of you with other OS's.

If you've ever wanted to let other people into your LAN server, you can do so with Hamachi. This is because Hamachi creates a VPN (virtual private network) that emulates a network that you and other's can connect to from different places.

What you need:
Minecraft 1.3+ from Minecraft.net
The latest version of LogMeIn Hamachi

After you've downloaded and installed Hamachi you need to create a network. Just click 'Network-->Create a new network'. Any name will do and I suggest you password protect it just in case. Also, make sure that all the people who you want to play with also download and install Hamachi.
Now that you have set up your network you can give the name and password to others and they can join your network by simply clicking 'Network-->Join an existing network' in Hamachi.

Open Network Connections by going to Control Panel-->Network and Sharing Center-->than Change adapter settings in the left panel. Once you have that open you should notice at least 2 active connections, your normal internet connection, and one for Hamachi.

Right click your Hamachi network and go to "Properties".

Now double-click "Internet Protocol Version 4".

Now click the button that says "Advanced...".

At the bottom make sure Automatic metric is UNCHECKED and the Interface metric should be set to 1, as shown below. I don't claim to know exactly what this means, but what I do know is that it makes it so your Minecraft will use your Hamachi network for LAN instead of your normal one.
Also I suggest that you make a shortcut to Network Connections on your desktop, since if for any reason you ever want Minecraft to stop using your Hamachi IP, you'll simply want to disable the network and than re-enable it when your ready to use it again.

To test and make sure it is working correctly open your Minecraft single player game and open it to LAN. You should now notice that the IP given matches the IP of your Hamachi network.
If it doesn't than I suggest you go back and figure out what you missed.

At this point you should have:
  • Done everything above correctly.
  • Have anyone your wanting to play with connected to your Hamachi network.
  • Have your MC SP game open, and opened to LAN.


Once you have that your friends should be able to open their Minecraft, go to Multiplayer, and see your LAN game as a choice. In some cases they will need to direct connect with the ip and port it gives you when opening to LAN. Also anyone else can host a LAN game within the network, they will just have to complete STEP 2.

If you haven't gotten it to work, than feel free to post questions or concerns below and I will do my best to answer them. If this helped you leave a diamond and a comment! Cheers :)

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07/24/2013 4:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mine dosn't set my hamachi ip as the ip adress HELP
04/27/2013 11:45 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
I have the same issue as the person below...It worked yesterday, and today it doesn't.
12/16/2012 1:06 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
