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How to make a CreepyPasta (A good one)

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Pinkie_Pie12570's Avatar Pinkie_Pie12570
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
Ok, So recently I've been making and looking at creepy pasta's, And I wondered if anyone ever wanted to make one. I tried this on the minecraft forums, So I'll put it here too.

Starting Off:

To start your creepypasta, Think of a creepy element you could use, Here are some steps to make a creepy pasta without copying stuff you may be scared of

Think of something scary. Example: Slenderman

Take the element of it that scares you. Example: The fact he has killed or stolen many children without getting even a scratch

Now make a new name

Example: Death Digger

And find/ make an appropriate picture.

Making the story:

Now it is time to make the story. Choose between first or third person. First would be I, Me, We, And stuff like that, third would be Him, He, Them, They.

Now time to actually make the story. I will make a third person sentence one. (Note, Please do not copy)

Mark walked through the forest with James. "Hey... W... Whats th... that" James said. A monster jumped out at them and ripped their limbs off.

Of course your creepy pasta wont just be that. The first step is to show proper grammar, Spelling, And punctuation. Without that it will sound like "tnx for dat pnutbutr" and that would not be good.

In the talking, Try to show emotion, Like how i put .... and stopped at the first sound then continued.

Now with this information you have, Make sure to add details and nice little name for your guy, And make a creepy pasta.

READ THIS to hopefully better your writing:

(not meant to sound rude, sorry if it comes off that way)

I got to agree with MCvipond1. The story was to short and didn't have enough characteristics to apply to what someone would care for. I felt there was no good relationship between me and the person. Now note I also love MLP, but if you want to make a good story than you either have to be very original and creative or have enough imagination to reuse an idea correctly such as MLP.

If you want a creepy story you have to be descriptive with your words. You need to have adjectives to add a more descriptive feel. Now I'v writing on this website for awhile now and have become recognized for it by quite some so believe me with my words! A good story (in a creepy pasta in this case) should include a realistic feel, something you could relate to. A descriptive narrative and setting, if you want be to be involved it needs to really show the fear with correct word placement. That means you need something that someone could believe because they don't that it does not exists so somewhere in the back of there mind they could believe it to be true. Also be sure to add length, unless you wish to make a small tale or something of the sort. Rather add length, this will give you plenty of space to make good choices in words. Though if you want a short story then you have to either tell of a story that introduces a new "thing". This thing could be explaining a werewolf or etc. but just know doing so a person won't get a close bond to the story rather only find it a good time passer. You want something to truly stick and bring fear, then you need length, good word placement, and a close realistic feel.

Now note this isn't meant to sound mean or harsh in any form, just inform and hopefully better Creepy Pasta's that are to later be made.

Above is the wise words spoke by Hollow123 when I made a bad creepy pasta.

(Note, More steps are coming later for newbies)

Examples: (Pm me with one sentence of one of your creepy pastas or a link and I will post it here)

http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/one-uppedcreepypasta/#comments - A very well made CreepyPasta

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Pinkie_Pie12570 03/31/2012 12:23:42 pmMar 31st, 2012

Put hollow123 in the credits and added his speech

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09/17/2012 9:13 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
CookedHam's Avatar
Jeff the killer made me shit bricks
03/22/2014 8:23 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
-starlight moon-
-starlight moon-'s Avatar
Russian Sleeping Experiment rustled my Jimmehs!!!!
and Zalgo made me never sleep again.
07/07/2012 1:07 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Mountaineer
arrodar's Avatar
alot of the time i find that the descriptiveness ruins creepypasta, REAL people don't talk about their past experiences like that unless they're trying to scare someone fakely, and it doesn't sound real. squidward's suicide, pokemon cursed black, those were dissapointments, not because the story didn't sound real, because the narrarators didn't. Ben (and useless.avi) was scarier than those, and the reason being was that the main character sounded like a victim and not a Lovecraft protagonist. Candle Cove got the jist of it, but then again, they were corny and descriptive like people at an author's convention. that's why i don't beleive 2 thirds of the creepypasta i come accross.
06/26/2012 8:03 am
Level 28 : Expert Artist
Aeiou562's Avatar
Or in Laymen's terms, Just make sure it scares the hell out of your friends and you and you're all set -.^
04/06/2012 8:51 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
hollow123's Avatar
Thank you for the credit. Found this an enjoyable read. Great job!
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