Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to make a Minecraft server (Java/PE Edition)

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JesusGamer36's Avatar JesusGamer36
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
This tutorial Will help You to make a server for You and friends or family (or to mess with mods)

They objects You gonna need is: a account (email), a browser (any) and a Device to make the server.

After that, let's get going.

1: Open a new Tab in your browser.

2: An search: aternos

3: the page Will end with a .org and click on that page.

4: with the email account, sign in the page and you make they account for the server.

5: after that, configure tour server as you like.

6: when you're finished doing some things to your server, it's time to Open it.

7: renember the mame of tour server and the versión you put on te server, for example: Mame.aternos.me and the versión is in 1.13.1

8: then Open it and wait in the líne and done.

You'll be able to enter in your server.

Hope this tutorial helped You :)

If You have any questions, please comment and i'm going ti help You.

Until next time.

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04/11/2021 10:02 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Gamenight999474's Avatar
The problem is it no longer has 100%% up time. U have 3 munites till it disconnects u. I’m addition you did not tell us anything about making the server itself or his to run it. I was expecting more
11/02/2020 3:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Santa7889's Avatar
Thanks :)
king enderman the 34th
10/26/2020 12:32 pm
Level 45 : Master Enderdragon
king enderman the 34th's Avatar
10/08/2020 2:17 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Professor
Acier's Avatar
It might be easier to combine step 1, 2, and 3 by saying "visit https://aternos.org/:en/ "
