Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Make A Minecraft Texture Pack (Part 1 Files)

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Greyfang's Avatar Greyfang
Level 40 : Master Modder
Hello guys this is greyfang123 and today i am showing you how to make a minecraft TexturePack.
Minecraft (Prememium)
Paint.NET Download Here Paint.NET download
Folder Named (Texture_Name)
WinRAR Acheiver

First go to start and type "run" just only without quotations.
Type %Appdata% and enter. This will take you to your roaming folder.
Click .minecraft and go to bin.Right click "Minecraft" and go to "Open with" then go to WinRAR acheiver
When that is open you hold Ctrl and Click on:
Title (Folder)
Terrain (Folder)
Mob (Folder)
Misc (Folder)
Item (Folder)
Gui (Folder)
Font (Folder)
Enviroment (Folder)
Art (Folder)
Armor (Folder)
Achievement (Folder)
Terrain (PNG File)
Particles (PNG File)
Pack (PNG File)

Then Drag that to your folder that we created earlier.

Ok Guys im sorry but I have to go.That was part 1 and tune in next time on "How to make a texture pack!!
(If you need help on downloading Paint.NET then Just leave a comment and ill make a blog on that)

Any questions just Leave it in the comments. BYE!

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11/21/2012 7:28 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Mage
deco2000's Avatar
use photoshop
i use it for mine
09/19/2012 3:38 pm
Level 40 : Master Modder
Greyfang's Avatar
Some people Dont have ipods.
09/19/2012 5:10 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Niterider11's Avatar
just buy Texture Maker for iPod, it is much easier
