Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How To Make A Resource Pack

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Level 53 : Grandmaster Herobrine


For Image editing, Paint.net, or any other image editing software is fine. Simply replace the files you want to change in the textures folder, making sure the names are EXACTLY the same.

Paint.net - http://goo.gl/c1Oxo

For Sound editing, Audacity. Simply record any new sounds you want, export them as ogg vorbis, and replace(once again making sure the names match exactly)

Audacity - http://goo.gl/ySWA2

For Language files, Notepad++. Simply open the .lang files, and edit anything after the "=" signs to be what you want it to be. Also works well for any .mcmeta files.

Notepad++ - http://goo.gl/DVypW

How to-

  1. Go to: %appdata%.minecraftresourcepacks
  2. Make a folder with the name you want to use for your pack.
  3. Open notepad, paste the quoted text below and save it as pack.mcmeta inside the folder you made.
  4. Inside your folder make a new folder called "assets", open that folder and make a new folder called "minecraft".
  5. You now have a resource pack that is ready for you to add sound or texture files.

Paste this into your pack.mcmeta file:

{"pack": { "pack_format": 1, "description": "Default Resource Pack"}}
Default Resource Pack (template) -http://goo.gl/A2df9

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03/19/2020 7:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
06/08/2014 6:09 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Where do I add in the textures and sounds? Great tutorial btw
08/03/2013 7:27 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice System
Thanks, great guide! Diamond on me :)
