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How To Recover A Deleted World or Move an Existing One

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zapcozmy's Avatar zapcozmy
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
How To Recover A Deleted World

Ok, so if you were like me you were probably searching the internet for ways to save deleted world that you didn't mean to delete. The problem is everywhere you look it is confusing (because people don't know how to contruct a well thought out sentence), its not what you are looking for, or ther isn't actually an answer. So here I will do my best to offer a solution to your problem.

  1. Open two separate File Explorer windows.
  2. *Look at the note below.*
  3. Enter "C:\Users\Username\.minecraft\saves" into one of the File Explorer search bars (without quotations and put your Minecraft username in place of "Username" or your username for the computer).
  4. Enter "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves" into the other window's search bar (without quotations and put your Minecraft username in place of "Username" or your username for the computer).
  5. Now copy/past or cut/move the world(s) you would like to recover into the appropriate location.
  6. Double check that it worked by starting up Minecraft and viewing your single player worlds.

*Note: Step 3 brings up your deleted worlds and step 4 brings up you worlds you have not deleted.*

If this did not help or you need further assistance please contact me.

With this information you should also be able to move worlds between computers and duplicate them.

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06/14/2017 1:30 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Pixel Painter
zapcozmy's Avatar
@Skywalker227, it appears that "C:\Users\Bob\.minecraft\saves" no longer exists. I believe that new updates that Microsoft has made moved this file to another location. As for "C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves", this one should still work. If you used your Minecraft username in place of Bob, then try your computer username and vice versus. I can try to look for the missing file but it is possible it does not even exist anymore. I'm sorry I could not help.
06/13/2017 4:52 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
LucazVognare's Avatar
"C:\Users\Bob\.minecraft\saves and C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves dont show up as actual things in my search bar.
06/26/2019 10:16 pm
Level 23 : Expert Prince
Phara_Ooh's Avatar
Try this:
Press "Window key" + r
Then type "%appdata%\.minecraft

Btw hello im from the future
