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How to Spot a Fake Minecraft TARDIS

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TheiKing's Avatar TheiKing
Level 39 : Artisan Alien
How to Spot a Fake Minecraft TARDIS

How to Spot a Fake Minecraft TARDIS -

[A Public Service Announcement by TheiKing]
How to Spot a Fake Minecraft TARDIS

It has recently come to my attention that a few people have been trying to
pass off fake images of a minecraft TARDIS with full bigger on the
inside capabilities. Now, the timing between these images being posted
and the publishing of the Transcendental Dimensional Windows report
seems a bit coincidental to me, does it not to you.

I thought I would take this time to post this little guide to spotting a fake
Minecraft TARDIS claiming to have real Bigger on the Inside

Step 1) Look at the poster of the image, do they have a negative reputation for theft and lieing?
If so, the image is probably fake.  EX: If the poster has decompiled another project and used the code in their own mod,
they are not reputable.

Step 2) Look at the perspective of the interior image to the exterior image.
If the angles do not line up
it is most likely faked. EX: If the exterior is angled upwards while the
interior view is flat/eye level.

Step 3) Finally
the best way to spot a fake is to ask yourself, "Is this image from
Doctor Who Client Mod, Voxel Doctor or another Mod Division Core/Partner
Project?" If it is not then it is most likely faked.

Conclusion) If you cannot verify that the screenshot is reputable and in turn real, DO NOT DOWNLOAD that mod claiming to have these features. They are not safe and as such could cause serious issues if you do download.

Thanks for taking the time to read view this PSA, I have been TheiKing....and I
am outta here! *Drops Mic, runs off stage singing I Wont Back Down by Tom Petty*


How to Spot a Fake Minecraft TARDIS

For those wondering what the real bigger on the inside looks like when its not in GIF form, watch this video and it should explain/show it off for you.

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09/04/2016 12:24 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
TheGuy12345's Avatar
Please can you put in a direct download link for the mod on this page for miNecraft 1.8
The Cosmos
01/09/2015 6:57 pm
Level 43 : Master Button Pusher
The Cosmos's Avatar
My friend got a weird AI virus trying to download a fake DWCM. It spammed our group skype chat XD
03/27/2015 11:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Silasqwerty1's Avatar
A weird Al virus? XD What did it do? Sing tacky in your skype chat? Perhaps my bologna?
The Cosmos
03/27/2015 3:48 pm
Level 43 : Master Button Pusher
The Cosmos's Avatar
XD It's an AI, not AL :P It spammed something in Spanish I think.
01/08/2015 10:25 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
PackPoster333's Avatar
See this I agree with, but what about the people who can use after effects and put a tardis interior on a green screen? They make it almost look like it is bigger on the inside.
01/06/2015 2:54 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Stryder148's Avatar
Is There Multiplayer?
08/04/2014 3:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
[K][T][C]'s Avatar
Will each player have thier own TARDIS? Or is the TARDIS dimesion shared by all players? Will each Unique and the only way to get to YOUR  TARDIS dimesion is through that one tardis?
07/14/2014 7:13 am
Level 23 : Expert Geek
xXIHasADerpStacheXx's Avatar
How I got to this blog: saw a TARDIS on Blog Pop-reel and just started reading.. Then watched a vid.. Then clicked links.. Then begged my mom to let me get this mod.. Then didn't get the mod.. This took up about 7 minutes! *claps* But really, I like the neat *confusing* way you explained it.
05/30/2015 9:10 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Weebism's Avatar
you have to beg your mom to get mods?
i just install them no matter what
07/13/2014 7:12 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
1234560's Avatar
So basically you're saying that your mod is the only one that is legit?
