Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How use the clipboard and clone mode (PMCSkin3d)

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Level 45 : Master Button Pusher
Hello! This is my first blog. Here i'll show you how use the clipboard and clone mode! I struggled with this tool and i thought why not make a tutorial about it?

These are the brushes/tools you will need to do this. You may also use the magic wand for this, but personally i find it easier to just use one of the shapes.

How use the clipboard and clone mode (PMCSkin3d)

Now select a square, triangle or circle and hover over the part you want to select with your mouse it will look inverted.

How use the clipboard and clone mode (PMCSkin3d)

Now click it and it should appear over here.

How use the clipboard and clone mode (PMCSkin3d)

Now if you want to adjust it you'll have to mess around with the axis and rotation...

Note: this tutorial still works as of 21/06/2021

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12/13/2018 10:56 am
Level 101 : Transcendent Cake
Excellent tutorial!! We love that Topper is in the 3rd screenshot!
