Minecraft Blogs / Let's Play


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LeoL274's Avatar LeoL274
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pokémon
This is no joke, I found Herobrine in Minecraft 1.3.2!!!! Unfortunately, no pictures... :( But I am not joking, this is 100% true!!! Heres the story:

I created a new world in Hardcore. I used 404 seed, I just typed in random numbers and decided to go with 404. I set Render Distance to Tiny, cause my computer was running slow, cause it was doing background scans. I spawned in a normal, average forest biome in a small mountain range. I cut down a tree and made a crafting table, pickaxe and some wooden planks and moved deeper into the forest and decided to build a house under a normal tree, I didn't destroy it, I just built a house underneath it. It got dark and the moon came up, I huddled in the house and crafted a few things, when I realised, no mobs outside, no cows, no pigs, even at night, no zombies or skeletons, I checked around... nothing. I was completely alone... I mined down in a staircase, making it turn, so it didnt just go in one direction, when I found a cave... Still no mobs... I got some coal and iron and returned to my house when, this is the wierd part, the forest biome had become a jungle tree forest in a snow biome and my house was half destroyed!!!!! The tree my house was underneath was destroyed and there was ruins of destroyed trees all over the place!!! There were jungle saplings lying on the ground all over the place and, this part is freaky, I was in singleplayer.... There he was, standing in the foggy distance, Herobrine, I saw him from my ruined house...

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12/06/2019 12:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PTE's Avatar
It's gone now.
01/24/2015 6:10 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
N14MK's Avatar
I believe you!
01/03/2014 6:01 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Drakonyte's Avatar
I had a similar (but tamer) situation in 1.6.4, I was exploring my new world on a random seed with render distance tiny, when suddenly I saw herobrine around the corner of a hill. I instantly sprinted away to set my render distance up to small. Then my game froze. When I logged back in, I set my render distance to small and have been paranoid ever since. So now you have another person to believe you.
01/05/2014 8:12 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pokémon
LeoL274's Avatar
I stopped playing Minecraft for a while after encountering Herobrine and ever since I have been very paranoid and I'm always afraid to explore dark caverns and dense forests.
01/07/2014 12:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Drakonyte's Avatar
Well that's how I feel too! :D
02/11/2014 2:53 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
aaronx75's Avatar
me to XD
12/30/2013 8:50 am
Level 23 : Expert Mage
EandJmodmenOK's Avatar
Hey I was wondering by someones reply to my comment that maybe herobrine was actually removed because when mojang created herobrine it was supposed to be a test of a REALLY high AI zombie, so maybe NOW they removed him. Could you make a video of the EXACT same thing that you did when you saw herobrine? Go back to 1.3.2, and make a 404 world, go where you went, do what you did. Because of these comments, "I played 1.3.2 minecraft in hardcore and put the seed 404 in and all that happened was i heard wood breaking?" "I heard that someone else used the seed 404 and saw a herobrine that could be it!!!!" That's all the quotes. Do you know how to go back to 1.3.2? Here's how, open minecraft launcher, click edit profile, and click on the drop down use version, and select "release 1.3.2" without quotation marks, save profile and play game, That's it can't wait to see your video!
12/30/2013 10:14 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pokémon
LeoL274's Avatar
Alright! I think you might be onto something.
01/18/2014 5:21 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pokémon
LeoL274's Avatar
I did the video, some of the things were different, like the house is bigger, it's in a slightly different spot, but it's pretty close to what I did.
11/24/2013 12:57 am
Level 21 : Expert Mage
KPJ1's Avatar
i didn't see anything else,
