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I use MinerShoes! (Blog)

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peaches's Avatar peaches
Level 25 : Expert Princess
Some people use what is called, 'MinerShoes'. What they do is copy other skins from talented artists. I've only used it about 2 times to fix my mistakes. Since skin backgrounds for me are double colored, and I use Paint.net, the only thing that has the double color is MinerShoes. So I upload my skin and quickly fix my small mistake. It's very annoying when people use professionally already shaded skins and what? They're level 1! I shade my skins quite well for my level, but not like KnobleKnives or Leostereo, for example. They copy those kind of skins. If you see a fresh-off MinerShoes skin, do report it. Thank you for your time :) -Peaches, the peachiest peach in the patch! (Sorry for no sig. editing, my iPad doesn't allow it -_-) The picture represents the people who do that.
CreditOnehorsedream. Peaches

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06/12/2013 11:19 am
Level 26 : Expert Button Pusher
gothicminecraft's Avatar
I'm new to PMC but I've shaded skins before. I don't use minershoes. I use paint.net and I used to use skinedit.
I used to use the armoury on minershoes but I was like 8 then so I wouldn't have known better.
Anyway, all I'm saying is that not all Level 1 people steal skins, but the majority of them do. :(
I do see your point though. Stealing skins is like taking candy from a baby (or me, I like my candy :p).
But I practised shading. I used to upload on another website.
02/11/2013 4:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
auburnfan1000's Avatar
How do you find miners shoes?
02/18/2013 12:35 pm
Level 25 : Expert Princess
peaches's Avatar
Minershavecoolshoes.com I think
11/30/2012 9:44 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokémon
PenguinLover's Avatar
I use minershoes to make my skins, but i dont rip parts off other skins...
12/08/2012 10:10 am
Level 25 : Expert Princess
peaches's Avatar
Yep. But then, some noobs just want fame. I'm not saying don't use MinerShoes, I'm just saying don't rip off skins to some people
12/08/2012 7:10 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokémon
PenguinLover's Avatar
Yeah, i see a lot of ripped off skins these days
11/18/2012 1:31 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Yoyaya_ayayoY's Avatar
I have reported one, thanks to my sister quick thinking.
12/08/2012 10:11 am
Level 25 : Expert Princess
peaches's Avatar
:D we shall, together, rid the world of stealing!
11/15/2012 8:50 pm
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
ThatsMyPickaxe's Avatar
This is very true, it also bothers me a lot.
11/15/2012 8:52 pm
Level 25 : Expert Princess
peaches's Avatar
I would name a couple but I don't want to be rude
