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Is there an otaku in here

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Hisa's Avatar Hisa
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
Hi. I was wondering if there are Otaku in PMC

Some People Say That its Bad but its not

Otaku it means Geek of anime

I Found Other Meanings that "Otaku" Means

1. Otaku

Otaku is the honorific word of Taku (home).

Otaku is extremely negative in meaning as it is used to refer to someone who stays at home all the time and doesn't have a life (no social life, no love life, etc)

Usually an otaku person has nothing better to do with their life so they pass the time by watching anime, playing videogames, surfing the internet (otaku is also used to refer to a nerd/hacker/programmer).

In the Western culture, people confuse otaku to be something positive like "Guru". If you think about it, it's not really good to be called a guru if it means you are a total loser who can't socialize with other people except through the Internet.

Other Japanese words which have been confused by Westerners also include but not limited to: Anime, Manga, etc
otaku no jinsei ha yabai na! (it sucks to live the life of an otaku!)

2. Otaku

The term "otaku" seems to have been introduced to anime fans in the US and other countries via Studio Gainax's "Otaku no Video 1985," a self-parody film.
Otaku, meaning probably "venerable house," refers to someone who has a devotion to a subject or hobby (not necessarily anime) to the point of not leaving home. For instance, an otaku fan of a particular movie star could quite possibly know all of the films s/he has been in, their birth date, time of birth, shoe size, favorite toothpaste, etc. Generally speaking, calling someone an otaku in Japan is an insult, implying that their social skills have atrophied or never even developed, due to their manic involvement in their chosen fandom.

In America, the term is used to denote a zealous fan, usually of anime and/or manga. Due to its introduction to most people's vocabulary through its tongue-in-cheek use in Gainax's film, "otaku" tends to have a much less dire definition overseas.

When dealing with Japanese people, however, it may be best to keep in mind the modern Japanese image of an otaku -- Someone who only leaves their home to eat or shop, if at all, with an overwhelming and unhealthy obsession about something. It can as easily refer to a stalker or sociopath as it can to a harmless anime buff.

Best to avoid the word altogether if one is not sure of the context in which it will be received.
Positive: "Oh, wow! Check it out: Neck-through, Floyd Rose locking tremolo and an optional push/pull coil tap!" (slaps forehead and laughs) "Man, I am such a guitar otaku, aren't I?"

Negative: "Stay clear of Toshi, man. He's such a RQ otaku, always online. Bet he's never actually even talked to a real-live girl before... You never know when he's gonna' snap, right?"

I Believe This Meaning

1. An American term that is used to denote a zealous fan, usually of anime,manga and video games.

2. Refers to someone who has a devotion to a or hobby (not necessarily anime) to the point of not leaving home.

3. Some one Who social skills have atrophied or never even developed, due to their manic involvement in their chosen fandom.

Are You An Otaku???My First Blog :P

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07/17/2016 8:19 am
Level 30 : Artisan Prince
dawndream's Avatar
If Otaku In Geek Of Anime Then Yes I Am.
06/14/2014 12:44 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
GnMiner's Avatar
Well im not an otaku but...I feel like a real otaku
04/17/2014 2:29 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
KaoriHitachiin's Avatar
I guess so, according to the,"If you're a true otaku name 20 animes excluding Naruto, Bleach and One Piece"
08/11/2013 10:52 am
Level 70 : Legendary Architect
alecdent's Avatar
Wouldn't call myself otaku by that definition, but I <3 ANIME.
08/11/2013 1:01 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Princess
Hisa's Avatar
Woop :D
