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Just because it is sound, doesn't mean it is not stealing.

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Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
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"Just because it is sound, doesn't mean it is not stealing."

Recently, Mojang implemented resource packs into Minecraft. Resource packs allow people to change things like sound, block names, and textures. With the ability to change sounds, there has been an outstanding growth in stolen content on MCF and PMC because people have been putting copyrighted songs in their resource pack. This is illegal.

Song companies tend to take the copyrights on their songs very seriously, for example, on YouTube many videos that contain even parts of a song they do not own will have all of the audio completely removed from the video. In some cases, they will have the video taken down, especially of the uploader acquired monetary gain from the video.

So, what does this mean for those who upload these resource packs containing copyrighted music? Well, it means that either, A.) They will have their post removed, with possibility for a ban because what they are doing is breaking the law. Or, B.) They will attempt to sue them or the site you have uploaded it to.

Now, I know that saying that they will sue them or the site sounds a bit crazy, but think about the current issue Mojang is having with "Putt Putt". They are trying to take legal action against Mojang for something people who are not affiliated with them did. So, if you upload these things, you could get the site in trouble. And since the site you upload to doesn't want to be in trouble, you will probably get banned, or at least have your post removed.

So, to recap, posting resource packs with copyrighted songs and sounds that you yourself did not 100% make is illegal, and can get you or the site in trouble.

-Peyton A, Texture Artists' Union Administrator.

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08/19/2013 4:24 am
Level 20 : Expert Architect
Is Putt Putt sueing Mojang? :O
08/19/2013 4:26 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
They tried, yes.
07/13/2013 1:52 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pirate
This is why you get some good indie music that you could personally get the artist's permission for.
And about all the copyright issues, it's a game for kids, people need to stop being tight-asses.
07/12/2013 7:38 pm
He/Him • Level 59 : Grandmaster Sus Imposter
That whole Putt Putt thing is stupid. "Hey, there's some things on the internet for this game called Minecraft and people are playing golf in the game! Better sue the creator!"
07/12/2013 10:44 am
Level 48 : Master Technomancer
Great blog! It annoys me whenever I see a pack with copyrighted musc. I've only seen one pack so far that has shown their music was royalty free.
07/12/2013 4:51 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Architect
I released a resource pack the day Minecraft 1.6 came out. I made sure to use music that was released under a Creative Commons license that allowed re-using as long as the author is accredited. Fyi, a great source of music using CC licenses is Newgrounds.com
07/11/2013 7:33 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
Great reasoning. I agree with you, this is going to be a problem.
07/11/2013 6:55 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Explorer
I just don't like that they're sharing the packs with the copyrighted music. It should be for personal uses if the song is copyrighted.
07/11/2013 6:34 pm
Level 46 : Master Skinner
I recently did see tons of packs using music (probably without the owners consent), and putting it into their packs. Great blog.
07/11/2013 9:35 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
