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Keep Moving Forward

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Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
The Purpose:

Sometimes in life, people will push you down, make you feel insignificant, even make you feel unwanted by every single person you know and care about. This blog is to show you that no matter what, you need to keep moving forward. Don't let people push you down and make you question yourself.

My Story:

Each and everyday, there had been at least one person that has come up to me just to make me feel terrible about myself. Someone telling me I'm gay, someone telling me that I have no friends, and even just in general being careless. Even though that this stuff does happen to me, I don't let that touch me one bit. I stand there tall and proud and I stand up for myself. Eventually, they will back off and I don't have to deal with them. Because of this I'm able to keep a positive attitude. None of the rude comments that are said to me affect me in any way because I keep moving forward. If I look back, I'm just an insignificant person.

To Relate to you:

If there is someone that torments you day by day, just ignore it. If you don't let what they say to you or do to you, get to you, then there's no stopping you. You will be indestructable. To keep moving forward doesn't always mean physically doing so, it also means that in your mind, you need to sometimes let go or even stand up for yourself. You can't sit there and get pounded on by someone. If you stay strong, you will keep moving forward.


We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -Walt Disney

Interpret this quote in your own way, but to me, this means that once you get past all of the bad stuff, a new door opens for you full of new opportunities.

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04/08/2013 11:07 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
wow cory thats deep
11/05/2012 10:42 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
Walt Disney was the best guy ever and keep moving forward is my moto :D
