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Frostgeneral2k's Avatar Frostgeneral2k
Level 52 : Grandmaster Technomancer
So guys i was overjoyed when i got home to see that id reached level 40!
thanks to everyone who's enjoyed my work and stayed with me.

wow i got on the pop reel! it been a whle since i got on and its great!

also id like to talk about a topic.
the topic is how people think about you on Pmc as you level up people think about you differently...

Levels on Pmc

So to start of your level one, you show some promise but people are unsure of you, they dont know whether to trust your work or whether its stolen or not.
then you get all the way to ten, you have some subs and a few other Pmc buddies, people almost trust you but will still have a slight precaution when they see you producing great work (if you do) so immediately
Now, it looks like you've been on Pmc a while! People will trust your work and you've gotten into the website quite well, you might of leveled up with some friends on the way.
Wow! look where you are now! level 30? great work! people think a decent amount of you, your a good pmc'er and people really love your work. your not what people consider one of the greats although you have some fans and watchers.

Now theres level 40. im at level 40?! what!!!??? when you get to level 40 people respect you, they say things like:
"wow that means alot coming from someone like you" and its pretty cool. by this time youve got friends, support and mabye all the diamonds you can swim in ( i said maybe).
i first found pmc while looking for a texture pack and it looked pretty cool, i made some skins and made my way here!
i love it here!!!!!!!!!!1
Almost all the people ive met here are great people, wonderful, nice people.
thanks to every one for being awesome.
Stay Frosty (someone suggested i said this a long time ago)

If you liked this celebration be sure to diamond and subscribe!

Anyway Frost Out!

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11/06/2012 8:14 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
WalkerB's Avatar
Stay Frosty (someone suggested i said this a long time ago) x3 P.S how do i get out of this color?
11/07/2012 2:35 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Frostgeneral2k's Avatar
when you write the message mabye highlight it all and bold or some other thingy on it then take it off. i dont see why your stuck in that color
10/27/2012 9:15 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pokémon
Luis's Avatar
So close and yet so far...
10/28/2012 5:17 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Frostgeneral2k's Avatar
youll make it soon or someday
10/28/2012 5:19 am
Level 71 : Legendary Pokémon
Luis's Avatar
04/08/2014 3:51 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Frostgeneral2k's Avatar
your level 57 now? and a site mod, congrats!
10/08/2012 4:34 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Architect
alecdent's Avatar
<-- 40 :D
10/08/2012 1:14 am
Level 47 : Master Egyptian
wolfgang798's Avatar
I think we both got to level on the same day :D
10/08/2012 1:40 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Frostgeneral2k's Avatar
well i became level 40 5 days ago, so did you aswell?
10/08/2012 1:44 am
Level 47 : Master Egyptian
wolfgang798's Avatar
Yeah i think so :D
